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AMPR gateway on AREDN node. Need ampr-ripd bin

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KA7HAK's picture
AMPR gateway on AREDN node. Need ampr-ripd bin

Does anyone know where I can find ampr-ripd compiled to run on an AREDN node ( Atheros 71xx)?

KA7HAK's picture
Some progress

Thanks to M1BKF for providing the ampr-ripd  bin that runs on the air router. 


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w8awt's picture

I am really interested to know how you got an AMPRNet gateway configured on your AirRouter. I am going to be purchasing an AirRouter HP fo my shack node and would be grateful if you could give me some pointers on how to set this up.  Maybe as a starter question, what did you have to change in the AMPR wiki instructions for OpenWRT to get this running next to AREDN?

Augustine, W8AWT
KA7HAK's picture
Just saw this and have not been on in a while
I never got this to work and gave up on adding AMPR to our mesh. Sorry

AE6XE's picture
Using BPQ32 to access and Mesh at same time
I read the thread

smiley  Not knowing what amprNET has to offer to an AREDN mesh, I ask myself "What's the point?" Perhaps someone could enlighten me as to the benefits of amprNET connectivity (which in turn would be Internet dependent).

The Amprnet/44net has their
The Amprnet/44net has their own internet routable IP addresses.  If you are running servers attached to your wireless network and wish to have connectivity to other areas via "tunnels" its something to consider.  Else the internal 10.x network works just fine for most folks.
KA7HAK's picture
Need IPIP tunnel to a 44 gateway
If I could ever get the 44 IPIP routing working on an Air Router AREDN node, providing a 44 dot address as the default internet gateway for our mesh, this would be my goal.
I ask N1URO about this and

> One question is how to connect the mesh to the ampr net?


Amprnet *is* a mesh network, so the technology is no different between the two, only the physical transport may be. With that said you in a sense answered your own question; just assign the bridge a 44-net IP from your block and route it out over the mesh.


One thing to keep in mind, you want your routers hidden as best as possible with rfc-1918 space networks which is how commercial hot-spot ISPs do it this way crackers can't get access in. You can still DHCP 44-net IPs out to the end points.


A simpler way to try and vision it would be say you have a mesh router in each room of your house. They tie into your gateway. You then segment off subnets from your 44-net block to each router for them to give DHCP IPs to the end clients. Now take that out of the house and install it in the field.


I also wonder what benefit this would provide an AREDN node.if the internet is down, then ampr is down.


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