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Firmware Update File Error

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Firmware Update File Error

I have a couple of node types to update to the version, so I downloaded the ones I needed, but I renamed them so I could easily see which file went to which node type.
When I tried to update, the node wouldn't take the file.

I checked the hash when I downloaded, but figured I'd just get a new copy, which uploaded just fine.
I compared the hashes, and they were the same.

So, I take it there is a file name verification for upload, in addition to or instead of other verification methods?
I thought this had worked previously, but it's been a while, so I can't be sure.  Perhaps it was loading AREDN onto stock hardware.


K5DLQ's picture
You can't rename the files. 

You can't rename the files (for upgrades).  The AREDN firmware expects them in a certain naming convention.

That's what I expected.
That's what I expected.
Bit of a bummer as it's hard to remember which file goes to which type; for some of them anyway.
K5DLQ's picture
You can organize into folders
You can organize into folders on your PC if that helps...


/AREDN_firmware/Nanostation XW/<blah2>.bin
Yeah, I'll figure something
Yeah, I'll figure something out, probably a folder scheme like that, was just convenient having them all in one folder.
Don't mind the whinge.

Thanks much.

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