Is there a method via the command line or GUI to determine which hardware platform the code is running on?
take a look in /www/cgi-bin/ at hardware_info()..
No need to go to the command line or look at file just visit http://localnode:8080/cgi-bin/sysinfo likely has the information you want.
Some of this data is also exposed by SNMP as well (though some of it would have to be derived as item like model isn't directly showed in SNNP at this time but you can mostly figure it out from existing SNMP data)
Sweet! Thanks!
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take a look in /www/cgi-bin/ at hardware_info()..
No need to go to the command line or look at file just visit http://localnode:8080/cgi-bin/sysinfo likely has the information you want.
Some of this data is also exposed by SNMP as well (though some of it would have to be derived as item like model isn't directly showed in SNNP at this time but you can mostly figure it out from existing SNMP data)
Sweet! Thanks!