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New and improved network mapping software.

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w6bi's picture
New and improved network mapping software.
Eric, KG6WXC has been working steadily on his mesh mapping software.  His map has gotten quite featureful.  He even flags nodes with firmware that's not current :-)
Here's the map of the Santa Barbara and Ventura County networks.  
Note: the long-haul DtD links shown are being carried over Part 15 AirOS links at the moment.
kg6wxc's picture
newer URL
is at
just drop the :4433 port
K5DLQ's picture
Nice work!
Nice work!
kg6wxc's picture
Thanks! Glad you like it!
Thanks! Glad you like it! I'm always looking for suggestions for improvement. I have a few in mind, but I haven't even started on them yet. 1, is to be able to find the distance and bearing to any other point on the map (or to one of the nodes) 2, is to have maybe rf coverage overlays, like what you'd see from RadioMobile, they'd be static images, but it could be neat.
Since we're calling this
Since we're calling this "software" and announcing it is there a download link somewhere that I am missing?

Or is this just a showing of what a local group is doing that isn't/won't be available for others ?
kg6wxc's picture
The software
It is more of a "system" I guess, in that it's about 7 scripts that combine to make the whole. If that makes sense. It's a bit clunky, I'm sure there are far, far better ways to achieve the same results. I'll try to quickly explain it. In a simple shell script, I use scp to copy the /var/run/hosts_olsr file from the localnode. I run that through sed a bunch of times to remove things I don't need. Take that file and use a command line php script to go out across the mesh and request the sysinfo.json file from each node. Take that info and put into an SQL database table. Another shell script uses the olsr-topology-view python script to get all the link and ETX info from the localnode. *edit: This requires the olsr-dot-draw mod to be installed on the node* That file also gets run through sed a few times, removing things and adding things. Another command line php script then takes that linking info file and uses it to look up the nodes location info in the first database table and builds a second SQL table with just linking/cost per link information. After all that, I build the map with a php page, getting all the info from the database. The map itself is using Leaflet, the same thing the nodes themselves use, when you use the "show map" button. It's certainly not a secret, I can post the script(s) if people want to try and recreate it. It could possibly be built into each and every node, given the free space.
kg6wxc's picture
Sorry, it's been a while...
Sorry, it's been a while... I have been trying to make my map easier to get going for others. I could use input from others who try to set it up, to try and make it as easy as possible. This map still requires linux, mySQL, PHP and a webserver. (it could be adapted to a windows system, probably pretty easily) Anyone who would like the current code for this, please send me an email: I've made more than a few changes since Dec, mostly trying to make it easier for other people to get setup. Just in case anyone is wondering... what I am talking about is the "live" map for our Santa Barbara (and sometimes Ventura) county MESH Network, and it is viewable here: or Please send any other ideas this way and I hope you like it and try to set it up for your mesh network! 73 kg6wxc
KE0FYY's picture
This seems like it could be

This seems like it could be an incredibly handy tool, and an excellent way to visualize the layout of the local network to groups and users alike. I was wondering if you would mind sharing your code and some implementation instructions. Also is it possible to identify the frequency and channel that each link is?

kg6wxc's picture
msg sent. glad you like it! 73
Nicely done!!
Nicely done!!

​This is a really useful tool.

THANKS for all of your efforts.

And, while I am at it, THANKS to the AREDN team.

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