Hello all,
I think I might have a bad AMO-2G13 omni antenna. I've disconnected the cables. Reading the continuity between ground and center pin on the vertical polarity connector, I read a dead short. On the horizontal polarity side, I read an open... is this the normal condition? Does anyone have one handy that they can check for me?
Has anyone opened up one of these antennas and have pictures of the elements that they could post? Just wondering what this beast looks like inside.
Ron N4RT
Bromley, AL
I think I might have a bad AMO-2G13 omni antenna. I've disconnected the cables. Reading the continuity between ground and center pin on the vertical polarity connector, I read a dead short. On the horizontal polarity side, I read an open... is this the normal condition? Does anyone have one handy that they can check for me?
Has anyone opened up one of these antennas and have pictures of the elements that they could post? Just wondering what this beast looks like inside.
Ron N4RT
Bromley, AL
Thanks for the info... that's just what I needed to know. I imagine the construction is similar between the 2 Gig and 5 Gig antennas. I thought maybe I had a problem there but probably not since yours measures the same. Sure would like to open one of these up, though, and see how they are constructed.
Ron N4RT
Bromley, AL
There is also some DC grounding done in antennas where the center may show a dead short to DC but to RF it is isolated. I often see WISP antennas with only one polarity DC ground. I don't know the RF physics behind it off hand but its not unusual.