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Nanostation M5 upgrade from HSMM to AREDN issue

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Nanostation M5 upgrade from HSMM to AREDN issue
I was doing an upgrade from HSMM 3.1.0 on a Ubiquiti nano station loco M5 to AREDN and now the node doesn't have a wifi or Lan IP address all I can get is a WAN and gateway IP being picket up from internet router.

It is showing the AREDN software logo but can't ping but occasionally can connect to web gui but not allowing to go into any menus

What steps did you perform to
What steps did you perform to upgrade from HSMM to to AREDN? (Walk us through so we can figure out if anything is missing along the way that could of caused this)

You mention you can't get to the menu's.  Do you receive an error, if so what is the error you receive?
from what I remember, I went
from what I remember, I went into the Admin screen and clicked on Firmware upgrade, selected the AREDN image and clicked update, got the upgrading screen then said should reboot in 2 mins or something. after some time of not getting the screen I went back to configuring a PC with 192.168.1.x and that was when I came across the screen shot when I discovered its WAN IP and that is it.
K5DLQ's picture
you didn't describe seeing
you didn't describe seeing the "pre-configuration" setup page where you must name the node and assign a password and set the distance value, but, the node has a name already.   very strange.
As Darryl mentioned it sounds
As Darryl mentioned it sounds like you may have left out some steps.

Without a detailed list its going to be a bit hard for us to know what has happened here as we need the detailed information to help lock in as to what may of occured here.
That's because I didn't get
That's because I didn't get to do that, it has carried forward the name before the upgrade, I haven't seen that before. is there a way to reset it back to start again ? 
That sounds like you may have
That sounds like you may have loaded one of the patches that AREDN released for BBHN devices to add Over the Air Upgrade support  if you hadn't loaded a recent version it could of been one of the older versions as there have been changes to it over the years as we found out more and more about keeping the feature reliable.

After the node boots up a 15 second hold of the reset button should cause it to restart in preconfig mode.

Before you do that however try and grab a support file ( based on photo you sent)
yes, I think I did load the
yes, I think I did load the patch file and also clicked on retain config.

will try to grab the support file next time I visit the node.

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