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CT Nodes Listed in Google Sheets - link in original post

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NE1CU's picture
CT Nodes Listed in Google Sheets - link in original post
KB1LTW created a sheet on Google Docs listing the nodes that we are aware of inCT.

If you know of errors or omissions, please comment below.
K5DLQ's picture
Excellent!  FYI, none of
Excellent!  FYI, none of these are pinned on the official AREDN map.  Sure would be nice to get CT on the MAP!

To pin yourself, just provide the optional LAT/LON data on each node's Basic Setup page, Save it, then Push to AREDN Server.  It will show up instantly on the map.
NE1CU's picture
Darn.  I should have done
Darn.  I should have done that before I brought the nodes to the site.  I suppose I could temporarily setup a node in the house, plug in the info and push it, then undo the settings.
W9GYR's picture
anyone near RI?

If anyone in CT is near RI please contact me. If the wireless links are too far we have a vpn server that you can connect to.


N1MIE's picture
CT near RI
I am near RI. I don't have my station on the air yet, but I'm working on it. When I do I will be looking to see where I can link. Most likely that will to the east (RI) or north (CT).
NE1CU's picture
So far we are mainly focused
So far we are mainly focused in Fairfield county.  Hopefully more interest will develope.
These still active?
These still active? I am up in Goshen. A long haul from anyone I have seen. 

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