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Nano Loco M2 won't come out of Flash mode

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ve3apf's picture
Nano Loco M2 won't come out of Flash mode
I've tried a hundred or more times to unbrick my Nano Loco M2 It had 5.6.5 Ubiquity firmware  when new. I did the Uboot test and it failed. So I loaded up 5.5.11 and re-did the test. It showed Good-Good. So I flashed it with AREDN 3.1.16. It worked well for a few days, So, I installed up on the roof top mast. It worked a couple of days then failed. re-seting power to it from the adapter did nothing. I took it down (not an easy task for a guy in his 70's). It has been down for a month or more now.
I did so many resets the reset button malfunctioned. I re-soldered a heftier one in its place. After reading all the Youtube blogs as well as the stuff on the AREDN site. I'm at a loss to get it out of the endless 1&3, then 2&4 blinking lights. It can be pinged on the 192,168.1.20 IPA. While watching it with an RS232 adapter and Teraterm program (Com 5) using a windows 7 computer, I've tried taking it back to ubiquity 5.5.10, 5.5.11, 5.6.5 and even 5.6.9 Latest firmware. It just never goes into a BOOT. To get the flash installed, I'm using TFTP2 on the computer with an IP of and Subnet I can ping it every time on the address, but nothing else works like (Uboot test program) I get an error telling me it did not get a reply from the server.The TERATERM program will stop the autoboot only when the (Hit any key) prompt tells you to. I tried prompts like (urescue -f -e) (mtdparts default) (saveenv) (reset) (boot) (bootm) (help) and (version). I get responses except the (boot) and (bootm) prompts show "bad address except for flashing version 5.6.5"

w5mig's picture
Sounds similar to a problem I

Sounds similar to a problem I had in many respects, including the broken reset button.  The recommended solution that worked for me was changing the "speed and duplex" setting on my lan adapter to "10Mbps half duplex". Node is now fully functional but at a shower throughput.

ve3apf's picture
Loco Nano M2 Really bricked
Thanks for the reply. I haven;t given up yet. I'm thinking the problem is related to memory addresses, When I do a memory check it comes back with the reply "Checksum Error" also memory write and read test stalls....just never recovers. I have to re-power on the unit.
K5DLQ's picture
sound like a possible
sound like a possible defective unit...
ve3apf's picture
After what looks like a

After what looks like a successful Flash (version 5..6.5) it still won't boot! and never comes out of Flash mode!
Have I done something wrong?
K5DLQ's picture
also, make sure that the
also, make sure that the replacement reset button is a normally-open (not normally-closed) type.
ve3apf's picture
loco Nano won't

Thanks for the suggestion about the reset button. It made me think. I knew without the original reset button The contacts were OPEN. I had nothing to loose so I put in a Normally closed one. It still defaulted to the Flash mode light sequencing. I flashed it several times using the original XM 5.6.5 firmware. I monitored the progress using an RS232 dongle to the Jtag pins (No 3.3 volts used). I tried the "urescue" procedure it said the flash was successful. it still ended up resorting to the "Flash me" light sequencing. a couple of times when re-powering the Loco M2, I now held the RESET buton (Openning the contacts) when I released the reset It now began to "Uncompressing the Kernel Image....Okay",  "Starting Kernel..." (on a new line), then "Booting..." (this looked encouraging) I waited 10 minutes and that's as far as I got this morning. I'm thinking the Normally Closed Reset button could be why!
I don't have another factory unit to compare, so I'm hoping someone else will let me know by using an OHM meter (without power to the loco m2) at the reset button contacts on the board. I thank everyone in the Forums for the help so far. There are some great experiences and suggestions that make you think outside the BOX.
Cheers, I'm not giving up yet!.....Gerry VE3APF

ve3apf's picture
Wow, Santa Came on the day

Wow, Santa Came on the day before xmas.
I managed somehow to get the Nano Loco M2 (XM) flashed correctly.
On Christmas day, However, I changed my WRT54GL from Version 3.1 perfectly functional into a permanent CLIENT AP Router (Somehow). I can't ping it or Flash it.
when I look at wireless nodes, It appears as VE3APF-54GL just the way it was and I can connect to it. SO I know it's NOT BRICKED. It just won't come out of that Client AP mode. Guess I had better try the HSMM Foruns now!

Merry Xmas to all.

K5DLQ's picture
I can highly recommend the DD
I can highly recommend the DD-WRT firmware for WRT54G's as a replacement of the stock Linksys/Cisco firmware if you want very capable Access Point router.

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