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recover nanostation m2

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recover nanostation m2

 I had an earlier version of AREDN running on my nanostation, and wanted to try the latest Beta.  Someone I wedged things. I tried to go back to TFTP recovery mode.  I unplugged power (cable is only 10 feet long, so not a distance problem).  I used a paper clip into reset, turned power on. LED's light, but it never goes into the flashing RED/YELLOW tftp boot mode.  Before, when I was getting the blinking mode, when I ran tftp, it would do the upload, but then on the last packet (size was less than 512), it would get timeouts instead.  Using a macbook with tftp.  Note: I did not do "binary" when in tftp. could that have wedged it?

K6AH's picture
Binary TFTP required

The tftp on the Windows Command line would be:

tftp -i <ip address of device to load> PUT <AREDN-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-squashfs-factory.bin>

You will need to be in the Downloads folder when you invoke the Command line

Andre, K6AH
w5mig's picture
Trouble installing AREDN on a Nanobridge M900
Trying to install AREDN ona Nanobridge M900. Downgraded the firmware ok. Ran the U-boot test, got good-good. Installed the AREDN file and now can't get into the unit.  Have it in recovery mode,  entered the tftp command listed above and get "timeout occurred Connect request failed". Anything I can do from this point? 


K5DLQ's picture
Hi Jerry,
Hi Jerry,
A few tips:
  1. make sure that you put your PC's network interface back in DHCP mode (from the static)
  2. make sure that your PC's wifi is DISABLED
  3. close your browser and reopen to:  http://localnode.local.mesh:8080
w5mig's picture
Tried that
I had learned from previous installations about checking those items. But checked again and still no luck.  The LAN adapter says "unidentified network". That's why I was trying to use tftp. Anything else I can look at? 
w5mig's picture
I searched around the forums some more. Found a similar post.  Was able to ping from recovery mode. Tried tftp again and it worked this time.  Node up and running. 
AE6XE's picture
Hold the reset button for up
Hold the reset button for up to 30 seconds until you see the red/orange flashing lights.  Ignore the lights in the first ~10 seconds, keep holding.  
W2TTT's picture
Software Loading Issue

Hi Folks!
My friend K3GDX had a second NSM2 that he brought down to the radio club and we "willy-nilly" loaded the current software (AREDN- into it without running the compatibility check software...OK, that wasn't smart, but heck, it worked on his other NSM2!

It did not go well, so he handed the radio off to me to try to resolve.  
I got it into TFTP Recovery Mode, but the only software that I could get to load was the Ubiquiti XM.v5.6.6.29183.160526.1225.bin file.  It loads and installs and that is where things get ugly.  With and without changes to the address/DHCP settings, it will not talk to my laptop once the new code is loaded.
I checked to see if the node was bringing up the Wi-Fi interface using Wi-Fi life.  All I see is the Ethernet interface trying to come up on my laptop, then cyclically restarting the interface but never coming up.
Any thoughts?
Gordon, W2TTT

AE6XE's picture
Gordon,    welcome to the
Gordon,    welcome to the club.  It has been said,  it's not a matter of if, but when...

W2TTT's picture
Oh Boy! I got bricked!
Joe, Thanks for the welcome! :-) I'll dig up an RS-232 converter. 73, Gordon, W2TTT 201.314.6964
K5DLQ's picture
Make sure it's 3.3V TTL. 
Make sure it's 3.3V TTL.  There are 5V models that are risky on a 3v3 device.
wa2ise's picture
In a pinch. you can use 1K
In a pinch. you can use 1K resistors and 3V Zener diodes to limit a 5V device to be suitable for a 3v3 device.  This on the 5V device's output.  The Zener diode also limits low voltage to around -0.6V to avoid ESD damage. 

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