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Looking for a Forum Moderator

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K6AH's picture
Looking for a Forum Moderator
If you're interested in the CERT topic and feel you have a reasonable appreciation for how AREDN might serve the needs of this community, then send me an email and let's talk about maybe making you the moderator for this ACE.

Andre, K6AH
Did you
Get my email regarding this?
K6AH's picture
New Moderator

Please welcome Keith, AI6BX, as the new moderator for the CERT Forum!

Keith is a highly motivated AREDN mesher currently building out AREDN infrastructure in San Bernardino County, California.  He is also real active in local CERT and AUXCOM groups and should bring structure to this important ACE forum.

Andre, K6AH

Thank you!
Thank you, Andre! I am looking forward to serving in this capacity.

Keith - AI6BX
w6bgr's picture
CERT Deployment and MESH Nodes
Keith, Welcome and thanks for taking on this important topic.  I have been a part of the San Juan Capistrano CA RACES/CERT group and as we get more connected we will be looking into the options that can support CERT operations.  RACES role is to support CERT teams as well as the City EOC and facilities.

I will try to get someone in our group to sign up here and offer ideas we can all push around.  Thanks again.  Joe  W6BGR
San Juan Capistrano CERT
I was volunteered by W6BGR to sign up for the SJC CERT Program.  here i am.  i am also part of RACES. Our program is undergoing changes in Staff and therefore what was may not be and so i think the dust needs to settle a bit.  those of us who are both RACES and CERT, think MESH nodes are important. 
Welcome Guys!
I am thrilled to be the moderator of this forum and look forward to working with both of you as things build out. Do you both currently have active nodes? I will look more closely at the mesh to see if I see you in there. What are your goals with mesh and how do you see it better serving your communities? 

I am involved in a CERT class this weekend and will be sharing about Mesh and amatuer radio to the class tomorrow.


Keith - AI6BX
w6bgr's picture
TriCitiesRACES Mesh systems
Here in South Orange County CA we have one hilltop system that can be verified  (KI6IZE M2 Rocket) W6BGR  (M5Airgrid)

We are soon upgrading to M5Rocket  w/ 120 degree panel antenna
                                       M2Rocket  w/ 120 degree Panel antenna
                                       M3NBridge w/  parabolic dish
                                       Ubiquiti PoE 5 port VLAN switch
Upgrade should happen in the next couple weeks.
Getting more CERT engagement on forum

thank  I you for sharing what you currently have in place and what your plans for upgrading are. I am working on creating a Google map of the current buildout taking place in the Inland Empire. You can see most of what is currently in place on the AREDN map though we have new operators placing nodes at their homes almost weekly right now.

i would love to get involvement from more of the So Cal CERT teams and possibly consider creating a map highlighting where the CERT teams and members are highlighted. It might also be of value to identify who in this group have mobile nodes and what equipment they have available to link in the field. One piece of equipment I hear discussed quite frequently is Web EOC. This is a great piece of software, but as its name implies, it is completely dependent on the Web. I am looking for options that would be Mesh deployable to support operstions in the field with realtime feeds to EOCs. As this builds out the value would be quickly sharing municipality info across counties. Do you see value in this? Have you seen any compact packages that might support this or be a staring point? I am thinking of this as a project for my son and some of his college buddies.

K5DLQ's picture
TicketsCAD is a decent option
TicketsCAD is a decent option.  It can be hosted on a mesh based server.  It does still have a few external dependencies that must be downloaded and the HTML modified accordingly to make it true-offline.

I will check this out.

K6AH's picture
San Diego County CERT Team Using AREDN
CERT Teams from Oceanside and Del Mar are utilizing AREDN for their purposes.  Del Mar has actually developed a Disaster Assessment application which runs on a tablet, connects with a central repository at the City EOC via a battery powered AREDN node in their backpack and other nodes deployed around town.

I can get you a contact off line.


Please do send me this info. I would really like to develop a system to link multiple CERT groups.

Basic Introductions

Greetings.  My name is James (Jim) Good, kd5vxh.  Home is in North Central Texas near the border between Parker and Tarrant Counties.  The physical home is in Tarrant County.  I am Sky Warn trained in both counties and help both in some of the public service events the county RACES agency sponsors.   I also am a member of the Parker County CERT group and help with communications there.  There was a message last week about an introduction session or training session for digital modes to be held in a city in Dallas County, about 50 miles east of where I live.  For the other CERT members in Parker County, the distance would be over 60 miles each way.  Then you would need to add extra to the drive time for the added traffic.  My question boils down to; would it be possible to request a training session for the Parker County CERT group (and possibly the Parker County radio club) at a location closer to Weatherford?  That is the County Seat for Parker County.  There is a college with meeting/lecture rooms that the CERT leader might be able to reserve and there are some other locations that could hold an audience of 60+ for a presentation.  My personal email is  Thank you,
Jim Good kd5vxh

I would love to help

I would love to help you with your request for more convenient training in the Texas area however I am based in CA and am not familar with the message you are referring to. If you could direct me towards the message posting or give me a contact for the group, I would be more than willing to give my best effort to help coordinate a closer training or perhaps find someone closer to you.



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