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Feature Request: Publish Node Location to APRS objects

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k1ky's picture
Feature Request: Publish Node Location to APRS objects
We publish our repeater locations as "objects" in our area to the APRS server system.  It would be a nice option to be able to do the same from an AREDN node, similar to the procedure for publishing node location to the AREDN map.  Any interest in this?

Probably an "option box" in the same location area would do the trick.  Don't know how often needs to happen, perhaps better off publishing these the same way we do the repeaters?

I'm not going to make an

I'm not going to make an opinion on if this is something that's going to be done or should be done as I haven't discussed that with anyone on core yet not have I looked at how this falls in to best practices for APRS.

I will say there isn't anything stopping a 3rd party from doing this right now for their local area with the data available in the maps.kml file one could parse out their local nodes (distance search) and push to APRS-IS or even push to the local RF.

MVMA map

Works very well and I have fields for height, channel, direction etc


K5DLQ's picture
If I recall correctly, our
If I recall correctly, our node names violate APRS naming standards.

ie. APRS can have a suffix containing a single "-" and a 2 digit number.
Is that written somewhere?
K5DLQ's picture

Station logins/callsigns generally follow the TNC2/AEA standards for textual representations.
Logins/callsigns must be alphanumeric ASCII characters only (may be upper/lower/mixed case).
Logins/callsigns may contain a single hyphen followed by one or two alphanumeric ASCII characters.
A SSID of zero is assumed if the callsign does not have a SSID; therefore never explicitly define -0 as a SSID.
SSIDs may be 1 or 2 ASCII alphanumeric characters only.
Total length of logins/callsigns may not exceed 9 characters including the SSID if present.
aprs symbols
Its more about the aprs symbols on the map. You could make your APRS call something like ke6upi-99. The APRS community would know that 99 is a HSMM node. Finding the right symbol first and then move forward with the APRS community to work it out. Then we could follow your lead. But a simple telnet script could push your APRS location to the APRS server. Now that being said, that would use the internet. If the internet goes down then your location wouldn't show up over RF APRS station. So your better off using a TNC and radio.

k1ky's picture
We now have a MESH node program to publish to APRS
One of our system users and APRS guru Frank K4FHK has written a program that can load on a MESH node that will publish the location and status of an AREDN node to APRS-IS servers.  You can check out my node K1KY-dc near Gallatin TN.  It updates every 20 minutes and we monitor it and our other objects and send notifications if any of our stations haven't been heard from over  set period of time to our cellphones and e-mail.
K5DLQ's picture
That kinda shows the issue. 
That kinda shows the issue.  you can only have ONE mesh node on the aprs map, unless, you start to serialize each one...  ie.  k1ky-80, k1ky-81, k1ky-82.
We would need to capture an alternate id for the node (ie. k5ky-88) to post to APRS.
APRS publish
I'd be interested in the program he wrote.  Is it available anywhere?
k1ky's picture
Yes, I think Frank issues a 22-letter suffix based on MAC addy. I understand there is an upcomign APRS.FI conference coming up in Colorado soon.  Are there any AREDN folks planning to attend?
K5DLQ's picture
No, but it sure would be nice
No, but it sure would be nice to open the naming scheme.
This is where we have to
This is where we have to remember APRS is intended for packet protocol. is dependent upon the APRS-IS network  for APRS objected data which in turn is based on the AX25 protocol specifications.

One can't just change out the format without a major overhaul of the entire packet/APRS network from ground (including everybody with a tracker in their car) to centralized network hubs (which are the easier ones to ensure upgraded, it's the field stations that will kill you)

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