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Logging in
Well, so far I have changed the stock firmware to the 5.5.11 version and used that to flash the AREDN firmware into my Ubiquiti Nanostation. I was able to go to the setup screen using username root and password: hsmm. I made the mods according to the book so that I'm now a mesh node KB1HTO. I changed the username and password and the distance setting on the setup screen and clicked the Saved Changes button. Eventually, it rebooted the Ubiquiti and the 4th LED blinked and stopped blinking.
So, now I want to get back to the AREDN setup screen. I bring up the AREDN node config screen and click on Setup. I dialog comes up asking for my username and password. I type in the new UN & PW and it won't accept it. I type in UN: root and PW: hssm and it won't take that either. What do I do now?

Chuck Lippmeier
K5DLQ's picture
hsmm is the password during
hsmm is the password during FIRST setup.  Once you provided the new password (and distance, channel, etc), you must use your new password.
That's what I figured too. So
That's what I figured too. So the UN should be what I entered for the Node Name and the password should be what I entered under password and confirmed under Verify Password. That is what I'm doing but I still can't get to the setup screen
Chuck Lippmeier
WU2S's picture
User name
The user name is still 'root' and not the node name.
Oh, that would explain it. I
Oh, that would explain it. I'll try that thx
It worked Thx Chuck Lippmeier
It worked
Chuck Lippmeier

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