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DIY - Portable Internet Mesh Node

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DIY - Portable Internet Mesh Node

I came up with this setup to get on the mesh from anywhere I have cable or wifi Internet access. Even works with my iPhone hot spot.

Details can be found on my blog:

Why 3 radios in Portable Internet Mesh Node?
Hi Trevor,
  Apologies for replying to an old post. 

  Do I correctly understand the 3 different radios in your "DIY - Portable Internet Mesh Node" as shown by my simplified outline below?
    *  AirRouter
      -  Radio:  AREDN for mesh net connections
    *  TP-Link
      -  Radio:    802.11 WiFi for local laptops, smartphones, and/or tablets. 
    *  AirGateway ?
      -  Radio:    802.11 WiFi to Access Point connected to local ISP

  If I am correct, then you can connect to either the local ISP hotspot *and/or* the local Mesh, depending on what is in range of the radios.

  Thanks in advance for your insights,

Cheers & 73,
Pretty much the point point
Pretty much the point point (as I understand it) is to get into the mesh,  the TP-Link lets iPhones and tablets locally get on the mesh (and possibly internet if it exists)  and the AirGateway gets you to some internet provider, be it a cell phone AP, a Starbucks, etc which lets you then share out internet to the area (Not recommended in most cases) or like was demoed in Dallas at Hamcom, provide an internet connection for the node to fire up a tunnel to get back to another mesh that has services that are needed.

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