Station AA6CV (Conejo Valley ARC) prepping for Field Day. Photo via digital mesh network - 3 hops on 2.4 & 5.8 GHz. About 40 miles total path length (much shorter as the crow flies, but hills suck for microwaves...)

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Here is AREDN at the Fair Lawn ARC Field Day venue in Memorial Park in Fair Lawn, NJ. Congressman Garrett visited the site for over 45 minutes and we had a long conversation with him about the purpose and merits of AREDN networks.
It would be nice if someone can post pictures of both ends of the 60+ mile link before they tear down at the conclusion of Field Day.
Wow... well done to all of you!
Here are a couple shots of a mid-mille node installed at the Palomar ARC Field Day site this morning... delivering San Diego AREDN network backbone access to the entire site. M3 Nanostation (with KP Performance dish) to the backbone (I recognize the advantage a 6000' mountain has over flatland towers), and M2 NanoBridge (channel -2) to a desktop AirRouter HP at the FD Site and a traditional WIFI node for distribution.
Andre, K6AH
Severe thunderstorms were rolling through about noon and I was set up in my minivan with a NSM2, IC 7000, 71 foot long wire HF antenna. a head lamp strapped to my head, could not read the keyboard without the light. With each stroke of lightening I was wondering if the "spark" on the wire would be brighter in the van than the head lamp on my head. :) Since the van was wired to a fence and a large metal road roller, and the 71 foot long antenna wire was fastened to the roof rack on the van and up to a 30 foot extension pole - I wondered if I was attracting or dissipating the charges. Sorry, no pics.
The big display showed what was going on at all stations.