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Austin TX On the Air

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Austin TX On the Air
Austin Texas is offically on the air!

Nanostation M2, at 30.43751389 -97.73818611, presently pointing ~4deg true.  (mostly on purpose - happy to spin if reasoned :D)

So I probably jumped the gun a little bit on hanging it, since it just talks to my laptop atm.  So the next ? is repurpose a WRT-54 as a gateway, or can I configure the toughbook running XP to do the routing?  (help would be appreciated there).  THe laptop will run a Winlink Post Office with for now a VHF packet relay (still to be wired back up).

Since the nanostation doesn't yet see the internet it can't post the coordinates itself just yet.

73 de KB5ZVP
K5DLQ's picture
yeah!  Another Texas AREDN
yeah!  Another Texas AREDN node on the air.  Love it!
It was a tossup whether to
It was a tossup whether to point the antenna north or towards you Darryl, but I'm hoping to test some coverage towards a station in Harker Heights, with is a streach especially with the hill in the way.  But I gotta try, and maybe I could justify some more height and higher gains.
K5DLQ's picture
well...  I'm 131 miles away..
well...  I'm 131 miles away.... Maybe once you get that 20,000ft tower....  ;-)

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