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Flash failure on NS M5

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Flash failure on NS M5

So I bought a brand new NanoStation M5 and has the board and firmware XW 5.6xxx. I flashed it over to XW.v5.5.10-u2.28005.150723.1358 and all went well. Then flashed it to AREDN- This also went ok, but now I can't get into the web ui to set it up. Yes I did change the computer over to receive IP automatically, using the right port on NanoStation. I tftp the factory back on it and it works, then flashed AREDN- back on it and same thing, can't get into setup.  I think I am doing everything correct, I have flashed an NanoStation M2 2 weeks for this and all went well. Anyone have this problem or any ideas?

AE6XE's picture
How did you downgrade to  XW
How did you downgrade to  XW v5.5?    This must be done via the AirOS GUI and not with the tftp method to work correctly.       


How did you downgrade to XW
Yes, at the start I downgraded to XW v5.5xxx using AirOS GUI. Then put AREDN XW file on NS using AirOS GUI. After putting AREDN on it I can't get back into the setup. So the only way back in is tftp the factory restore file.
AE6XE's picture
reset button
try holding the hardware reset button for 15 seconds (after power on and sufficient time to boot).  This would ensure the AREDN firmware is initialized for 1st boot.  Unless the device is faulty to begin with, the path you've taken is correct and it must be a cat5, laptop, or other issue.  
K5DLQ's picture
can you verify, is your
can you verify, is your computer getting an IP address from the node?  a 10.x.x.x address?
can you verify, is your
No, I don't think it is getting an IP, the computer says it is trying to verify the connection and can't. Maybe I can do a ipconfig and see what it says.
K5DLQ's picture
Also, when the node is in
Also, when the node is in "pre-config" state, do you see it broadcasting on your PC's wifi as "MeshNode"??
can you verify, is your
Something is definitely wrong. Redone the whole process again. ipconfig comes up with an ip of I have done a WiFi scan from computer and the node is not there. I have accessed one of my other nodes and done both WiFi and Mesh status and nothing.
wa2ise's picture
[quote]ipconfig comes up with
[quote]ipconfig comes up with an ip of[/quote]
Do you get a default gateway of  if so, try going to

reset button
I believe that I have done the 15 second reset with no results, I will try it again when I get back to it. I have done the long reset where the lights flash back and forth and then I do the tftp.
Flash failure on NS M5

Thanks everyone for helping. I believe there is a problem with the nanostation, so it is going back to Amazon. Even with the Ubiquiti factory firmware it will kick me out when I change something and then apply, then I can't get back in again.


Mike WE7AA

k1ky's picture
Have you tried different browsers?
Are you using the Ubiquiti Device Discovery tool? Have you tried different browsers? Make sure your computer is set up to accept DHCP
Have you tried different browsers?
Yes, I have tried the Discovery tool and it found the nanostation. But as soon as I change a setting anywhere and apply it will loose connection and you can't get back in without resetting. I have tried IE, Google Chrome internet browsers, no difference. I have the computer set a static ip so I can access Ubiquiti web interface and when flashed to AREDN I set it to DHCP. Here is the thing, one time I got it flashed to AREDN and was putting my callsign and password in and saved it, then when it rebooted I could not get back in again. I have flashed several Ubiquiti equipment and this is the first one that gave me problems. Also note, this happens whether I am in Ubiquiti firmware or AREDN firmware. I say something screwy with this nanostation!!
K5DLQ's picture
"I say something screwy with
"I say something screwy with this nanostation!!"  +1

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