do you know if there'll be meetings or place (booth #) for information on the AREDN during Hamvention at Dayton. If you have any information to share, please post it here. 73!
Thank you
do you know if there'll be meetings or place (booth #) for information on the AREDN during Hamvention at Dayton. If you have any information to share, please post it here. 73!
Thank you
Ran into the HamWan guys last year there; approached them with a handshake and a smile. When they heard BBHN/Aredn... we got frowns.
I'm serious.
To me, we're all ham brothers... enjoying our hobby.
The Miami Valley Mesh Alliance will host a Mesh Networks booth located in the north-east corner of East Hall, behind the Luso Tower display (Booth EH659). Our booth area will include a large table and chairs that can be used for meetings, informal discussions, etc. The booth area can also serve as a "home base" for meshers, to include a (real paper) bulletin board for messaging. All mesh people are welcome to use these facilities. Likewise, all meshers are invited to take a shift staffing the Mesh Networks booth if they desire.
The primary on-air mesh presence this year will be on Channel -2 at 10 MHz bandwidth. Outside omni-directional nodes will be located on the tower on the south side of East Hall, on a tower close to the Arena (west end of the complex), and on the DARA Van mast. We expect these nodes to cover the Flea Market and adjacent parking areas well. Inside coverage will include the East Hall, Food Court, and the BallArena (including the ARRL area). Directional client nodes (NanoStations) with telephones will be located at the Flea Market office, the on-grounds trailer park at the east end of the complex, DARA Booth, Inside Exhibits Booth, and a few other locations. High resolution PTZ cameras will be mounted on the East Hall and Arena towers, providing a view of the Flea Market and adjacent parking areas. If all comes together well, the mesh will also host a WinLink post office, and a HackRF receiver controlled by SDR-Radio/SDR Console software.
Hamvention mesh access on Channel +1 at 20 MHz bandwidth will be available in the East Hall only. No 5.8 GHz coverage is planned.
The mesh will host a Tunnel Server with limited access; please contact the undersigned if you wish to arrange a tunnel connection.
Hamvention Mesh Services will be advertised at the "Hamvention Mesh Info" ftp link on the mesh. Additional information will be available at the Mesh Networks booth.
We welcome all to join us, on the mesh, or at the booth!
Bill Curtice WA8APB
Miami Valley Mesh Alliance
WA8APB wrote: The primary on-air mesh presence this year will be on Channel -2 at 10 MHz bandwidth.
This will be interesting to witness.
Last year we ran on +1 @ 20; we had connectivity - but spotty data rates . I don't remember the specifics, but it seems at one time the Mesh grid stalled, and the live video cam was freeze-framing I ran a sweep with a Fluke AirCheck and it was a SWARM of consumer wifi out there; mainly on ch +1, but ch 11 as well. There were soooo many devices showing on the AirCheck screen (from all the smartphones out there) that you couldn't even attempt to comprehend it all.
This year - operating on 2.4 ch -2 @ 10 will be a good confirmation of what we've recently witnessed... that this works extremely well; without any fears of consumer wifi interference.
I tried looking from a linux box, but NG. The cameras all wanted to install some sort of Windows Active-X plugin which is impossible in linux.
Mental note for all people running such cameras: Try to figure out and advertise a url that can be brought into something like VLC Media Player (probably rtsp:// something). While it may not have PTZ control (provided by the Windows plugin), at least the image can be seen. VLC is not limited to linux. There is a version for Windows which can be used to troubleshoot the url.
BTW, it was a pleasure to talk to you folks on voip from NNJ.
73, Mark, N2MH
This is a very good point. Both we, and the group in Delaware, OH are acutely aware of problems viewing cameras from different platforms, using different browsers and applications. In Windows, recent browser security measures have made the problem worse. We need to work it; a common application like VLC may be the answer. We need also to look at cross-platform applications designed specifically for viewing cameras (which incorporate the codecs needed to view a wide variety of cameras). Thanks for raising this point.
Biggiest issue may be getting people to buy cameras with ONVIF support.
As you note however with more and more browser plugins by browsers the options are getting smaller so it may be the way to go.