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Google FORMS / DOCS / SHEETS Equiv. Internet Independent APP on MESH?

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k1ky's picture
Google FORMS / DOCS / SHEETS Equiv. Internet Independent APP on MESH?
Does anyone know of or have a recommendation for application(s) that perform the functions of Google Sheets, Docs and Forms that work in a cloud environment that could be utilized on our MESH system independent of the Internet?

We currently use Google Sheets for our ICS Forms - Registration, Logging, etc. for our EMCOMM Exercises and we would like to transition to something that would work the same that we can deploy on a MESH system - that doesn't rely on the Internet. This would have REAL WORLD applications should we lose the function of the Internet.

w6bi's picture
It may not meet all your requirements, but Etherpad works as advertised.
Gobby is similar to Etherpad, but runs as a client application instead of a web application.
n0kfb's picture
Libre Office
Have you considered the LibreOffice suite? It's not cloud based, but it is compatible with Microsoft .docx, .xlms (and other) file formats.

Dan Meyer / n0kfb
KU7PDX's picture
I agree that LibreOffice
I agree that LibreOffice would be a good way to go in combination with a file server (something like FreeNAS should work well).
W7ADD's picture
LibreOffice not live
I think LivreOffice is not a bad idea for using a free tool and FreeNAS is very powerful. This issue I see with using this solution is it is not live and restricted to one user having the file open at a time where Google Drive and Etherpad (from what I have read so far) can be used as a live document by multiple users.

If we're only talking forms
If we're only talking forms the. We're really just talking about a method to submit a form which any web server can do. might work, though it hasn't seen any major work in a while it does have a GUI for making forms that has been made free (use to be an add on)

I've even seen somone package a form on a website to a receipt printer for printing out orders or directions at established facilities. For the EOC or MOC a full blown printer (dot matrix is still useful) can be done to give full printouts in multi-copy and the digital version exists for working with.

k1ky's picture
Actually, it's the spreadsheet/database that's more important
Probably more interested in the spreadsheet or "database" functionality for participant registration, etc.  I could just go back to the olden days and set up a nice relational database program that supports multi-user on Linux with some nice query or report functions.
We used a program called Filepro ( we used to sell it too ) and we developed all kinds of nice applications including a Medical Billing application, etc.
AA4SH's picture
Web EOC Interface Possible?

I haven't used or seen WEB EOC but is there a interface we could use?

73 Steve
Bedford County TN  ARES EC 
& TN Central Railway Museum Car Host
LST 325 Crew Member


k1ky's picture
WEB EOC is a "WEB" based application, so all you need is access to the internet.  We have utilized this in our past 3 EMCOMM exercises.  All you need is access to a WEBEOC account login.  We used it over our MESH network with no issues.
Owncloud has this
Owncloud has this functionality, with the docs plugin.
You might be looking for
You might be looking for something in the likes of
K6AH's picture
A comparison of several cloud solutions...
The Cozy site has a pretty good comparison of several cloud solutions:

WL7COO's picture
It isn't so much 'is there?' as 'which one?'.

When I'm not scratching around getting in over my head in other AREDN related arenas I've been doing a little reading on this general topic.

There appears to be a variety of various Linux distros and packages which can  afford  pretty much every common "Internet like" service in a  Part 97 compliant, ".local.mesh"  environment,  bereft of access to the 'Internet'.  

Adding spice to this dish is that an increasing number of useful 'services' are appearing that have been tuned to the recent RasPi 2 and 3 environments.  This is the low cost, solar power comfortable, architecture that appeals more to me now than most of the others.

Gentle People, the two common challenges that repeatedly pop up when addressing '...what can we do with AREDN to accomplish (whatever it is that we want to accomplish?)',   and  'we need to do A, B & C next month, how can we accomplish this?'  are one and the same, i.e.  how to effectively filter what is available to find the solutions best able to meet **your already clearly identified local needs**.

I think recent philosophers have identified the conundrum we benefactors of AREDN technology face as a "surfeit of riches",  as it were.  

Anecdotal opinion warning:  So far RasPi based ownCLoud and Asterisk  seem to be getting the majority of  'yes, this one is ideal'  reactions but I'm a certified slothful and lazy researcher when operating under the influence of strong desire.

I'm going to devote at least a couple of hours a day whenever I can to reading these forums. "....therein lays the answer to my vision quest " said the dusty traveler.

73,   ...dan wl7coo
​Every Handler Gets The K9 They Deserve

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