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Openwrt One Router Support?

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Openwrt One Router Support?
I am here at the Southern California Linux Expo (SCALE 22x).  I AREDN has a booth here.  This prompted me to check out the nodes around my location, and possibly put one up.   I'm looking at the hardware list and saw some of the gl.inet routers on there, also some microtik devices.   However one row away from the AREDN booth was the Software Conservancy, and they had on display the Openwrt One router.  I got into reading about the nodes and what AREDN uses and it appears a lot of the hardware is repurposed that uses openwrt.   Are there plans to support this router?  Right now it looks like the hardware that is supported are close to end of life.  A few devices that I looked up are no longer available. 

Router announcment is here:

It's 1GB ddr4 ram, Mediatek SoC, 2 flash memories to prevent from bricking, m.2 slot for ssd, can be POE powered. 
 A lot of hardware for the money, and it's initial price is $89. 

I just ordered one. 

I found a good hardware review on Matt Brown's YT channel.  He goes through everything on this device.

Mark Wolfe

nc8q's picture
Read the Docs first, then look for equipment.
Hi, Mark:

You may have chosen an indoor device that is not supported by AREDN.
Much of the AREDN networks span 1 to 25 miles.
IMHO, Indoor devices normally do not span > 0.2 miles.
One of the requirements for a device to be considered by AREDN is
that the wireless chipset be capable of being moved to a Amateur Radio frequency.
For about the same price ($78, free shipping) I see the supported Mikrotik hAP-ac2.

73, Chuck
The hardware for this device
I did read the docs.  My question is going forward can this device be supported, it checks all the right boxes. 
The hardware for this device is superior to the hAP-ac2 the hAP-ac2 is also an "indoor" device. 
NVME, dual boot devices, fail safe super hard to brick.  Not approaching end of life.  Very well supported by OpenWRT.
The question is can the mediatek chipset be moved into the amateur band. 

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