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Fun with PtP

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w6bi's picture
Fun with PtP

After a couple of rounds of nightly builds stomping out bugs, we have a working PtP ↔ Mesh Station on a live network link.

  • Here are the basic steps:
  • Bring both ends to latest nightly builds.
  • Get far end / Station MAC address (click on the Radio section - the MAC address will be shown at the top of the dialog)

  • Copy the MAC address.
  • Configure far end node as a Mesh Station (requires Commit & Reboot)
  • Switch the near end node to PtP mode - a field will appear to paste the far end MAC address in.
  • Commit & Reboot.
  • The link will come up PtP ↔ Mesh station


  • The nodes can take almost 4 minutes to come up; be patient.
  • A quick and dirty before & after test of throughput (802.11ac devices on both ends):
  • Before: Ad Hoc mode:  10-12 Mbit/sec
  • After: Infrastructure mode: 20-21 Mbit/sec; a nice bump in throughput (obviously YMMV!)
  • 802.11n links show little or no improvement in throughput (again YMMV).
  • This is Experimental - if the user community finds it's not all the useful, it may be removed. Feedback desired!


I've had a chance to set this
I've had a chance to set this up. I'm using an LBE-5AC-Gen2 (without the reflector) and LHG 5HPnD. They are located about 100 feet apart with some of my house in the direct line, 20MHz bandwidth, SNRs 28-41. After figuring out the right combination of PtP/PtMP/Station (only one works!) I did not see any significant speed improvements, it was about the same (5-6Mb/s in IPERF3). maybe my test setup isn't the best.
I would like to see functionality for point to point links, I'm maintaining 2 long (20, 40 miles) right now. A node at each end to form a backbone connecting repeater sites.
K6CCC's picture
No major speed diff. if not 802.11ac
I also have one PtP (hAP lite <-> LHG-2nDXL) and two PtMP (one is three Rocket M3, and the other is a hAPac3 as the hub with a LHG-5nD and GL-iNet AR750).  As none of these are able to operate 802.11ac, I am also not seeing any substantial speed difference.  I am primarily using the PtP and PtMP as an active beta tester.  All of these are operating with babel.

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