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Mikrotik XL HP5 ethernet issue

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Mikrotik XL HP5 ethernet issue
Recently upgraded to ver 25.x.x successfully, went into package management to remove and reinstall meshchat.  After rebooting no ethernet activity.  I'm unable to recover ethernet and the node.  Suggestions?
nc8q's picture

With your node powered on and running its current AREDN® firmware, press and hold the reset button on your node for 15 seconds.
This will cause your node to enter its firstboot state from which you can start fresh with your node’s configuration.
Hi and thanks - 

Tried that with no luck, changed cables and checked power, tried pinging as well as localnode... no visible ethernet connection.  I was hoping for the "NOCALL-..." window but receive nothing.  Seems to be ethernet at the node, I connected to a LAN using the computer port to verify the computer.
nc8q's picture
tried pinging as well as localnode
Try PINGing .

Did you assign a static IP address on your workstation in the range 192.168.1.[2-254] ?

"I connected to a LAN using the computer port to verify the computer."
So, I assume that your computer is in DHCP client mode.
Did your workstation obtain an IP address via DHCP?
"After you have installed the AREDN® firmware and rebooted the device, the node will have a default IP address of
You can set your computer to receive an IP address from your node via DHCP.
After connecting your computer to a LAN port on the node or the PoE unit, you should be able to ping the node at
Navigate to your node’s web interface at or http://localnode.local.mesh.
Some computers may have DNS search paths configured that require you to use the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) to resolve localnode to the mesh node’s IP address."
Try loading the factory.bin via TFTP.

3s, Chuck
Reloaded it...
Had to revert back to the initial install using TinyPXE.  Fortunately no hardware issues.

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