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the hardware list on the main aredn page

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the hardware list on the main aredn page
Does anyone know if the AREDN team will be doing an update to the supported hardware list that is linked on the main page?

The one that is listed is from April of 2024 and a bunch of the Mikrotik stuff is gone from the Mikrotik website.

I can't speak for the website
I can't speak for the website or developer team, but several nice devices are discontinued but if you shop around still available to purchase. 

nc8q's picture
"the hardware list on the
"the hardware list on the main aredn page"
Are you referring to ?

"Does anyone know if the AREDN team will be doing an update to the supported hardware list that is linked on the main page?"
IDK. Is there some specific device of which you are interested?

"The one that is listed is from April of 2024 and a bunch of the Mikrotik stuff is gone from the Mikrotik website."
There are many devices still supported that are no longer on a manufacturer's web site.
Is there some general device of which you are interested?

73, Chuck

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