New to AREDN & thinking of putting an AREDN antenna at the top of my 50-foot tower. I have an HF beam there that's plugged into my 1.5 kW amp. Any experience on how AREDN gear tolerates proximity to QRO HF signals? Running a Mikrotik BaseBox2.
73 from Vermont de K1ZK
73 from Vermont de K1ZK
Orv W6BI
I'm about to put AREDN on the same rooftop as a HF station for a county EOC and this is very relevant.
There are two issues, RFI to/from the router. RFI from the router can potentially be mitigated.
-Keep everything possible in a metal box (charge controllers, POE injectors, etc) and use metal boxed equipment if possible.
-Use shielded network cables with metal RJ45 connectors.
-Keep all cables as short as possible, especially if not in a shielded box
-If running POE up the tower, toroid cores at the device and after the injector may help. Clamp on ferrites will not typically be effective at HF. Refer to the RFI articles from K9YC which covers this extensively. You need to select the correct core material with an appropriate number of turns for effective choking at the problem band(s).
-Use shielded twisted pair cables where possible for external cables.
The above should also help with RFI to the router/antenna. Fundamental overload is also a potential from QRO HF transmissions. Physical separation is the only real solution for this. The TP-Link antennas that I have claim a 15KV ESD and 6KV lightning rating, so hopefully fundamental overload will not be an issue.
I am hoping that my 60' tower will make the link that I need since it functions solely as as a 630M transmit antenna. If i have too use the taller tower, it will hold antennas for various bands all at legal limit, plus 900, 1.2, 2.3, 5.7 and 10G antennas for weak signal work.
73, Robert