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So Cal Fires

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So Cal Fires
Wow.  Friends and family in the LA area have been telling some stories, and the news we get from out of state is horrific.

I'm aware many folks in the AREDN community are in the LA basin, hope you are safe and when you can let us know your status please do.

K6CCC's picture
Fine in Glendora
Yes, I'm in the Los Angeles basin.  The Eaton fire is about 15 miles from me and I drive pretty close to it between home and work.  I grew up in Altadena, and the homes of several family friends were lost.  Found out today that my parents house that they built when I was 1, along with the next door neighbor survived undamaged.  Everything else in a several block radius was moonscape.
Other that breathing a lot of smoke, I'm doing fine.  Thanks for asking
w6bi's picture
Fine in Simi Valley
Here, we're about 15 miles northwest of the awful Palisades fire, so OK.   Other than a towering smoke plume rising above the Santa Monica Mountains, you'd not be aware of it.
Maximum wind gust during the windstorm: 59 mph frown


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