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hAPac2 tunnel server, no max tunnel setting?

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hAPac2 tunnel server, no max tunnel setting?
Hi and Merry Christmas!

I use Mikrotik hAPac lite and hAPac3 routers as tunnel servers, and am used to adjusting the "Tunnel Max-clients" value in the advanced configuration tab.    I'm replacing a hAPac lite (Starlink) server with a hAPac2 running "aredn-"  and I am not finding the max-clients setting.   This is my first hAPac2 server so maybe it is the router, or maybe it is the newer firmware?  My other servers are not on the latest version.  Is there something "funny" about the hAPac2 in the role of a tunnel server?

We plan to move all our tunnels (~22) to Starlink, at least at this end.   We have a growing number of Starlink to Starlink tunnels as well.  

Thanks for any comments/suggestions.    --Lee, KF7YRS
Settings determined dynamically
Since Dec 2023 those settings are determined dynamically, and the advanced config options were removed at that time.
That explains it.  My hAPac3 has Aredn v FW, must have just missed it...

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