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Where are Installed Packages Configured?

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Where are Installed Packages Configured?
I have a number of packages installed but can't seem to find where to configure them.

I have tried new UI, old UI and SSH but it's unclear.

A few examples;

The gpsd-clients package needs to be pointed to the gpsd stream coming from another system on the network.

For the snmpd package it would be useful to configure the SNMP version and set a string name. 


Hmmm.  Since no one else has
Hmmm.  Since no one else has stepped in perhaps I'll help ... perhaps not.

What packages?  The ones that come as part of the firmware on your node?  If you want more info about those, go to the AREDN page on GitHub.

A package you installed yourself afterwards?  Where did you get it from?  Go there for documentation and more information.  Again, these tend to be on GitHub and any questions or bugs should be reported there.


These are the AREDN provided packages, from the AREDN package repository installed from the AREDN UI. 

Standard packages are from OpenWRT
Most standard packages for AREDN are inherited from the parent project (OpenWRT).  You can search the OpenWRT package repository for any documentation or links they have for specific packages.  You mentioned snmpd and gpsd which are typically configured through the OpenWRT UCI, and their config files are usually located in /etc/config and/or /etc/config.mesh on AREDN nodes.
That's that was the point in
That's that was the point in the right direction I was looking for.

I found snmpd settings file under /etc/config.mesh/.


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