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WIFI scan hAP ac lite

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WIFI scan hAP ac lite

just to confirm,

I know that scan is very dependent of which equipment is used,
the hAP wifi scan on 5Ghz finds only the radios on its own channel, but on 2.4 (hotspot) it scans and shows the whole range.

should the 5G scan show more than its own channel?

Several comments ...
Several comments ...

The wifi scan scans all channels (frequency slots) but only at the bandwidth your radio is currently setup for.   So, if your 2.4 is set to be a part 15 wifi access point it will have a bandwidth appropriate at least 20 perhaps even wider.  The typical 5ghz AREDN bandwidth is only 10mhz so any consumer devices in that 5ghz band will not show up even if the signal is strong, assuming they have typical wide bandwidth (usually 40 or so).  If you reset your 5ghz to the widest possible bandwidth then it will see and report all the part 15 stuff as well as any AREDN signals.  However ... since the hAP is an indoor only device and doesn't have a powerful radio or antenna, unless you are right in the middle of a lot of AREDN equipment the likelihood of seeing any AREDN signals is near zero with that piece of gear.

A better tool to look quickly at local channel issues is waterfall.  That shows everything without having to reset your radio parameters.

FWIW it's usually a waste of time and energy to keep the AREDN radio signal on with a hAP as it won't throw any distance.  This confuses the mesh maps as they show there is an AREDN signal at your location but the signal typically won't make it as far as the curb.

Thank you Ed,
perfectly explained.

My NanoBeam which is capable of 80mhz, (edited) scans wider spectrum, so that confirms.
I am trying 5ghz radio on my hAPs now at home just to test, but surely I see the point.
I was thinking using it at a site with 5ghz link radios just to have a 2.4 hotspot, but that could better be connected DtD.


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