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hex poe for DtD linking?

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hex poe for DtD linking?
Hello -- I am very new to AREDN but I am trying to get up to speed.

I am trying to replicate the setup recommended in the "Device to Device (DtD) Linking" part of the AREDN website.  I have installed a Ubiquiti M2 with sector antenna and a BaseBox5 with sector antenna at the top of my tower, both running AREDN firmware  The M2 and BB5 each have a 50-foot run of shielded CAT6 cable coming down the tower & plugged into two of the ports on a MikroTik HexPOE switch.  The switch provides POE to both the M2 and the BB5.

The M2 (2GHz) and BB5 (5GHz) don't seem to be talking to each other.  Neither shows up on the other's dashboard.  I've seen some references to "VLAN" and I think I need to change some settings to get the 2GHz and 5GHz radios linked via DtD.  Do I need to make changes to the HexPOE switch?  Or to the M2 and BB5?  Or both?

Thanks for helping out a newbie.  73 de K1ZK

w6bi's picture
The AREDN devices use VLAN2 to communicate with each other.  Tag their ports on your Hexswitch as VLAN2 and see if that helps.


Orv W6BI
K6CCC's picture
CSS106-1G-4P-1S ?
The HexPOE - I assume you mean a CSS106-1G-4P-1S will work fine.  I am using one myself.  However, you do need to configure it a little.

On the VLANs tab, you need to define VLAN 2 and set the tower nodes to "Leave as is".  On the VLAN tab set the VLAN Mode to "Optional" and VLAN Receive to "Any".  For Default VLAN, here you have some choices.  In my case I have four nodes and each is assigned a different VLAN (17 - 19) - don't use 1.  Those four VLANs are then sent to a trunk port to my router so my router (not a typical home router) gets an IP from each of the four nodes on the LAN.  I can then reach any of the four nodes via IP address from my computers.  On Egress, set VLAN header to "Leave as is".

In a while I can post some screen captures if needed.

CSS106-1G-4P-1S ?
Thx for the help!  

I was unable to access the configuration page for the switch via    Fumbling around led me to the "WinBox" program, which I downloaded and installed on my PC.

The WinBox program appeared to talk with the switch.  But I wasn't exactly sure what I needed to do.  Various screenshots attached.

73 de k1zk

K6CCC's picture
OK, so you bought a router,
OK, so you bought a router, not a switch.  You can still deal with it, it's just a little more involved.  Mikrotik routers are EXTREMELY powerful and configurable, but NOT plug and play.  There is a learning curve.  I've been using Mikrotik routers for years - although for router functions and not switch functionality.
Certainly for a Mikrotik beginner, WinBox is the way to go.  More in a bit - got work to do...
OK, so you bought a router
Thanks for this!  Told you I was a newbie.  Networking has always been so mysterious to me.  I knew I wanted a device that sends PoE, but I didn't realize the distinction between "router" and "switch."   Maybe I should repurpose the (more powerful) router and purchase a PoE capable switch?  I like the Mikrotik devices because they're rated for cold weather and I am located in VT.
K6CCC's picture
Usually electronics in a box
Usually electronics in a box don't have much of an issue with cold because the electronics will heat up the inside of the box enough to not be an issue.

The product I referenced above:
Ok I will order a RB260GSP switch and repurpose the router.  Thanks so much for the help!  
K6CCC's picture
Once you have the RB260GSP,
Once you have the RB260GSP, feel free to contact me for any assistance.

I just got the switch and I am tinkering with it.  I can successfully access the switch with winbox & I think I got the settings right.   My 2 and 5 GHz AREDN nodes are plugged into ports 4 and 5 on the switch.

On the VLANs tab I “inserted” a row for “VLAN ID”  = 2.  Everything is left “as is”
On the VLAN tab I think I have ports 4 and 5 set up correctly.
I made sure to “apply all” changes.  

Unfortunately I still do not see my 5 GHz node on the console for the 2GHz node.  Do I need to fuss with any of the settings on the AREDN console?

Any other ideas?   73 de K1ZK

K6CCC's picture
Please post screen captures
Please post screen captures instead of photos of the screen - MUCH easier to read.
Switch configuration screen captures
Sorry about that - here are screen captures of the VLAN and VLANs settings:

nc8q's picture
Device to device linking
For AREDN nodes to link via ethernet they need to pass tagged VLAN2 packets.
This may not be of much help, but
I have a screenshot of my RB260GSP  from several years ago.
It powers and links 4 nodes and downlinks a DtD port.
Sorry, I am not finding screenshots of the LAN tagging information.
Perhaps Monday evening I can power it up and capture some images to share.
I think the downlink port (1) carries tagged VLAN2 from ports 2 3 4 5.
I don't use my RB260GSP in production as I have several indoor 48 port VLAN switches.
For multiple nodes at a remote site, I prefer an outdoor rated switch requiring 1 ethernet cable feeding 3 nodes.
I have 5 outdoor rated VLAN2 switches in service.
73, Chuck

Image Attachments: 
DtD linking - screenshots
Hi Chuck - these screenshots are helpful, especially because I don't fully understand this VLAN stuff.  The settings on my switch are virtually the same, except your VLANs tab shows additional rows for VLAN IDs 11, 12, 13, and 14 -- presumably matching the "default VLAN IDs" for radios 1, 2, 3, and 4 on your VLAN tab.  I only have two radios, and I picked default VLAN IDs of 17 and 18 for them.  I added two new lines on my VLANs tab for VLAN IDs 17 and 18 and left everything "as is."

Should I choose different options on the two new lines - e.g., "not a member" or "always strip"?  What do these actually do?

How will I know when DtD is working between my two radios?  Will it be obvious from the dashboard?

73 de K1ZK
K6CCC's picture
I'll look at this when I get
I'll look at this when I get on the desktop with multiple monitors where i can easily compare to mine...
RB260GSP DtD settings
Still struggling to get DtD working between my 2 and 5 GHz radios.

I see the AREDN website has a number of "switch configurations" recommendations under the "Software" menu, but I don't see any recommended configurations for a RB260GSP.

I read the section of the manual for the RB260GSP on VLAN and VLANs configuration--

... but have so far still been unable to confirm that DtD linking is working.

I have no background in networking so almost all of this is Greek to me...
Just to wrap up this thread--I believe my problem was a glitch in version  I upgraded to the 12-12-24 nightly build and DtD started working!

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