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Any Arkansas nodes

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Any Arkansas nodes
Am I the only Arkansas node?
Anyone interested in an Arkansas tunnel at least for the sake of learning?
nc8q's picture
Any Arkansas nodes
Hi, Luke:

"Am I the only Arkansas node?"
KA2FNK, William, in Shawnee, is on today's World Map.
Not so recently:
W5JDW 2023-07, others in 2021, 2017.

If you are offering to be the server end of a tunnel, my node name is NC8Q-HAP-AC3.
If you are offering to be the client end, send me your node name.

73, Chuck
Thanks for the response Chuck
Thanks for the response Chuck. I'm just getting my feet wet here, trying to learn.
Let's start with being a client,my node name is: N5JHR-HAPAC2-HOTSPRINGS
I'm not sure why my node is not showing up on the map either.

73, Luke
nc8q's picture
Let's start with being a client, my node name is
Hi, Luke:

Credentials sent in a 'Contact' message here on the AREDN web site
Watching to see your node appear on our local network.

73, Chuck
nc8q's picture
World Map now displays half of the Arkansas nodes
The World Map now displays half of the Arkansas operators active in the last 2 years.
na0d's picture
I'm here now lol....been lurking for awhile but have some nodes to pop up and even a Supernode now. I gots plans....

-Chris, NA0D
Northern AR
Arkansas AREDN
Awesome.  I thought no one else had any interest. I wouldn't mind connecting to an Arkansas node.
Maybe others with join.

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