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2.4GHz Spectrum Analysis

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2.4GHz Spectrum Analysis
Apparently it is quite possible to implement a spectrum analysis using a WiFI phy and some software.  I've seen some discussion about implementing SDR in the 2.4GHz band using a common wifi radio chip.  I would think this would be very helpful in solving interference problems.  Thoughts

I have two phone apps that do
I have two phone apps that do a nice job showing what is on air 2.4 and 5.8 Mhz.
Visualizing signals in the 2.4GHz band using a wifi radio
I have a phone app as well, but it only shows actual nodes and not other RF sources like you might see with a SA.
The Waterfall package for
The Waterfall package for AREDN works quite well.  This quickly shows what is on the various bands, and if you have a node with two radios such as a hAP you can alternate which band you are scanning by changing radio settings.  If you want to be stealth drop your AREDN tx power.  Your computer can be cabled or wifi to the LAN on the other band/radio.  You could use a GL.iNET device and have a very low footprint while sniffing out what is on the bands. 

I have an SDRPlay unit that is easy to use to scan any frequency and see what is happening.  However, the model I have stops at 2ghz but I assume you could find a USB stick SDR unit that has a higher frequency range.


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