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New Repeater Linking SubForum

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New Repeater Linking SubForum

To the AREDN Community

Welcome to the Repeater Linking VoIP sub-forum.

Interest in repeater linking over the Mesh is increasing. Since repeater linking is a specialized form of VoIP, it makes sense to have under the general VoIP Banner.

Pretty much anything relating to linking repeaters together over the Mesh is welcome. This would be topics relating to

  • IRLP
  • EchoLink
  • AllStar
  • DMR
  • others

There's a lot of experience already out there and this is the place for newcomers to tap into that experience.


Mark, N2MH


Hi Mark:

Hi Mark:
Thanks for setting this subforum up. As one that has successfully used AREDN Mesh and ALLSTAR to link repeaters together this is a good place to discuss this. Waiting to hear more  and I can share my experience in doing this as well.  

NU5D's picture
Newbee - Trying to use AREDN to transport internet to a rpt site
I am pretty much brand new to AREDN - I have a pair of 5.8 ghz Mikrotik LHG5HP radios flashed with AREDN firmware.  There is an Allstarlink 2M repeaters / ASL node about 3 1/2 miles from a Comm Center with internet.  I have a cellular hot spot for internet now and would like to pipe internet from the Comm Center to the tower site and deploy the cellular hotspot elsewhere.  Anyone doing this with advice ?  de nu5d
nc8q's picture
Trying to use AREDN to transport internet to a rpt site
Dear nu5d:
I believe the function of transporting internet access is part of the manufacturer's Operating System.
I think it is called 'bridge mode'.
There may be no need for AREDN firmware.
With AREDN firmware everyone on the local network would also have internet access...kinda scary, eh?
73, Chuck
NU5D's picture
Thank you Chuck,
Thank you Chuck,

I started with the native Mikrotik firmware and configured a working internet bridge system - repeater / node pc and LHG5HP on the dining room table.  Control point / internet source / a 2nd LHG5HP on my desk about 25 feet distant.  All worked well.  I wanted to get some experience with AREDN and have been able to flash AREDN and using Mikrotik's Net Install go back to factory firmware...

I flashed the 2 Mikrotik LHG5HP's with AREDN Firmware - both SSID N5JLP - Both MESH to WAN and LAN to WAN enabled..Lan Default Route Disabled...

I ended up having to add a hAP ac LITE with AREDN firmware at my desk to get the system to log into the Allstarlink server and work.  The hAP ac Lite has my internet connection in Port 1, my Desktop PC in Port 2, and the hAP ac Lite wifi's connects via RF to the Control Point antenna.  Seems I can't just plug the network cable from the control point antenna into my network switch to carry internet to the node.  My Lan is 172.28.2. 100 - 255 and has a dhcp server.  Maybe that is preventing the control point LHG5HP from grabbing the internet ??

I am not sure how this is supposed to work and folks who are actually doing what I am trying to do are pretty scarce.  In a nutshell, I want to bridge an internet connection from a Com Center to an Allstarlink Repeater about 3 miles distant so I can get away from a cellular hotspot at the repeater site. 

And would like to get this to work using AREDN firmware (channel selection and transmitter power settings available in AREDN and not in Mikrotik firmware)...

Thanks again, steve nu5d

nc8q's picture
I want to bridge an internet connection from a Com Center to an
Steve: " I want to bridge an internet connection from a Com Center to an Allstarlink Repeater about 3 miles distant"
Steve: "I started with the native Mikrotik firmware and configured a working internet bridge system
- repeater / node pc and LHG5HP on the dining room table. 
Control point / internet source / a 2nd LHG5HP on my desk about 25 feet distant.  All worked well."
Suggestion +1;
Stop, you have a working system.

Suggestion #2:
"(channel selection and transmitter power settings available in AREDN and not in Mikrotik firmware)"
Are you certain that this 3 mile cannot be done with Mikrotik firmware power level?
I have tested my 13 mile link of 2 LHG-HP5-XLs and they worked fine down to 10dBm.
Get a WISP license and use those channels and those power levels.

Steve: "And would like to get this to work using AREDN firmware (channel selection and transmitter power settings available in AREDN and not in Mikrotik firmware)..."
Chuck tries to say 'This will be awkward and/or not secure because this is not AREDN default use.'

Suggestion #3:
Put the HAP-ac-lite and LHG5 at the 'Com Center'.
HAP-ac-lite port 1 goes to 'internet connection', port 5 goes to LHG5.
Put the other LHG5 at the 'Allstarlink Repeater'.
Good idea to modify the SSID, however any other AREDN node on the same channel, bandwidth, and SSID
will also have internet access via the 'Com Center'.

I hope this helps, Chuck

NU5D's picture
Thank you Chuck - #1 is my
Thank you Chuck - #1 is my inclination as well - STOP and leave well enough alone.  #2 - I am confident the system will work without changing channels or power (using Mikrotik Firmware).  It has been a while since I actually drove a path and charted any critical points on graph paper, Then calculate the fresnel zone clearance and 4/3 earth curvature and sytem gains and path loss.  - - a 3 mile path is much simpler than a 15 mile path across Los Angeles... I will have to study with the internet folks at the Comm Center to see what security matters might arise.  #3 - there is zero AREDN activity nearby and I was hoping this might be a start that could grow activity. 
I do have one puzzling question.  With the hAP ac Lite, with AREDN firmware, Internet to port 1 and Radio (Mikrotik LHG5HP)  to port 5, the system does work - BUT - it seems the connection between the hAP ac LITE and the LHG5HP is via RF (wifi) and not via the cat 5 cable.  When I turn OFF the radio in the hAP ac Lite the combination no longer works.  My concern is that the hAP ac Lite may not have an adequate wifi connection between the building where the hAP ac Lite will be located, and the radio tower 100 ft distant.  That is why I am questioning whether the connection between the hAP ac Lite is indeed via port 5 using the Cat 5 Cable to the LHG5HP or is that connection is using wifi, in light of the connection breaking when the RF in the hAP ac Lite is turned off.  At this moment (pre deployment) everything is in the same room and plenty of signal - but maybe not so in the real world.

I am sorry to drag this out, but I really and trying to get a better grasp on AREDN and this small route might well be a starting point for more use and activity.

Thank you again, and 73 de nu5d
nc8q's picture
charted any critical points on graph paper
nc8q's picture
When I turn OFF the radio in the hAP ac Lite the combination no
"When I turn OFF the radio in the hAP ac Lite the combination no longer works"
Ensure that the hAP and LHG are not on the same channel.
Try setting the hAP to 5 GHz Access Point or Client.
OBTW1, the hAP's 5 GHz and 2 GHz radios cannot be both AP or both Client or both AREDN node.
OBTW2, I recommend running the LHG on its own POE injector. Especially due to the ethernet cable length.
(Image by Orv W6BI)
73, Chuck

Image Attachments: 
NU5D's picture
Also, Chuck, I should mention
Also, Chuck, I should mention, using the hAP ac Lite with AREDN firmware, the POE injector on Port 5 does not work.  I mush power the LHG5P with it's own injector.  Did you intend to use the hAP ac Lite with AREDN firmware or Mikrotik Firmware ?  steve    SCRATCH THIS - I found the POE setting in the hAP ac Lite... DONE...  steve

And now that POE is enabled on the the hAP ac LITE the link works via port 5 with the radio in the hAP ac Lite turned OFF - so the entire issue was that the POE was not turned on.  Wish I had caught that sooner... Thank again for your patience.  steve nu5d

is there any way to add echolink to your mesh? If so how do you do that?
How to guides
Hi Mark,
This is a great idea!  I am waiting for approval from the city to get access to a remote site where I want to install a Pi running AllStar for the repeater and then have to bring that back to my place via AREDN.  I know you have done this but have mentioned there is devil in the details. If we were (over time, as it's a hobby) to have how-to files available for common scenarios like this it would be a great resource.
73, Adrian

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