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Wrong firmware loaded

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AC2OG's picture
Wrong firmware loaded

I mistakenly loaded the firmware for the RouterBOARD 912UAG-5HPnD onto a RouterBOARD 912UAG-2HPnD.
The device seems to work albeit unstable, but now I can't update with the correct firmware because the firmware match fails.
​Can the installation be redone from the beginning with the correct one .elf file via the pxe server? Can the device be put in TFTP mode with the reset button as with a factory new device?

w6bi's picture
Dangerous Upgrade?
Under Advanced options in Firmware, you'll find Dangerous Upgrade.  Try enabling that.  It should disable the firmware match check and let you upload the correct firmware.

Hope this helps!

Orv W6BI
AC2OG's picture
Dangerous Upgrade
Thanks, Orv, it worked.

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