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Upgrading to Nightly 20240908 on hAP-ac3: Failure to launch

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nc8q's picture
Upgrading to Nightly 20240908 on hAP-ac3: Failure to launch
I upgraded my hAP-ac3 from Nightly 20240830 to 20240908.
I had 23 wireguard tunnels configured, 8 active.
After rebooting, it came back in '1st boot' /a/status.
I tried to enter a nodename and password, but it always remained in '1st boot' state.
I unplugged the device for a minute and it returned, again, in '1st boot' state.
I tried to enter a nodename and password, but it always remained in '1st boot' state.
I changed the URL to '/cgi-bin/status' and then it accepted a nodename/password and rebooted.
Thankfully, it returned running Nightly 20240908 and with my previously configured tunnels. :-)
Pshew! I dodged a bullet there. :-|

73, Chuck
K6CCC's picture
I upgraded my hAPac3 from
I upgraded my hAPac3 from 20240822 to 20240908 yesterday without issue.  However I am assuming that you were using the new UI.  I was using the old UI because for some some reason when I VNC from work into a RasPi-4 at home and then use FireFox on the Pi to access the AREDN network, the login button on the new UI does not work.  Have to use the old UI.

Glad it worked out eventually for you.
Old vs New UI
I have found the /cgi-bin/status will present the Node Status with the Old UI, and /a/status will have the New UI ... provided that the node has a New UI.  If not, I get a 'Not found ..." message.
--Tim K5RA

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