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Anyone successfully use a Reolink WIRELESS camera?

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Anyone successfully use a Reolink WIRELESS camera?
My Reolink PoE camera works fine connected to my hAP node on my AREDN mesh - but my Reolink WIRELESS camera does not.  In my Reolink app there is no 'Advanced' Network area where I can enable HTTP service,  yet there is in settings for the PoE camera.   Is ANYONE successfully using a Reolink wireless camera with their AREDN network?   ... or ANY wireless camera?   I want to locate my Reolink Argus ECO wireless solar powered camera remotely without any cables.     Ed   K7AAT
You need to list the exact
You need to list the exact model number camera you are trying to use.

Each model even from the same brand has different options or firmware.  Some cameras are designed only to connect to a cloud server, some only can send RTSP or similar so you can't directly view over mesh with a browser.  In that case you need to setup a video server to accept the RTSP input and then make a web output of another codec that can be understood by a web browser.  If your wireless camera has a built in mpeg server then you can just make a link and it will directly serve video.  If not, then another device has to do it for you.  There are lots of threads on this forum with more info.

K7EOK Thank you.
Thanks for the info.  I believe you have nailed the problem ....    I am trying to use a Reolink Argus Eco wireless solar powered camera.   Connected WiFi to my hAP node and the video is viewable with the app on my Windows PC,  but no connection when accessing the Mesh Advertised Service link.  If you could provide some links to one or two of the more pertinent threads,  I'd appreciate it.  Will start digging through the forum a bit later today.   Thanks.
Quick searches will find more than enough reference.  Short version is that the built in HTML web servers are awful so you should plan to use RTSP to MotionEye, then server HTML MPEG to the web for others to view.

Have fun, it's a real deep dive.


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