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Tunnel setup is not exactly straight forward

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KI5HZZ's picture
Tunnel setup is not exactly straight forward
Idea: because it is a little (very) confusing as is

is there a way to know if the DNS server is up or down,,, what if you do everything correct and the little cloud will not turn blue

reading the documentation to setup the tunnel server/client, to me, is like reading five books at the same time that all say something similar but don't quite meet especially when you start inputting the information into the machine

1) update the settings instructions as if the reader did not design the systems by which they function and has not been building networks all their life

2) change the wording to match and be more specific on the tunnel server side and the client side, example: on the tunnel side Server Pwd Network,,, okay which server there is more than one, Pwd ok is this a password or key, Server okay there is more than one (be specific)

3) it seems that I need to forward the 5525 port to the static ip for my hap ac2 (the static ip I also reserved from my isp router) but there seem to be more ports that need to be forwarded than just 5525 and the instructions could just as easily be referring to the LAN address listed on the status page

4) the only real indicator that something is working, or not, seems to be if  the cloud turns blue, maybe a pop up note that would provide a clue if something is wrong

5) how do you delete your settings, a box to enable and there is a little cloud, a button to mail the settings and no way to delete

6) on the DNS name, what is the correct format, how do you know its working
w6bi's picture
Lots of topics to cover here -

6)  DNS name - for the tunnel server it has to be the external IP address of your Internet connections, or any DNS name that's been assigned to it.

5) in the legacy UI there's no means to delete tunnels.  If you update to the latest nightly build, which has the 'new' UI, it has the capability of deleting tunnels.

4) there are lots of things that could go wrong, so hard to comment on how this would work

3) There are now two kinds of tunnels supported by AREDN - the "legacy" tunnels and the newer Wireguard tunnels.   (all of this is in the docs) For the legacy tunnel port 5525 needs to be forwarded.  For WG tunnels, they need one port per tunnel, so you'd have to forward ports accordingly

Look over the tunnel info in the latest docs - it's got extensive info on what those various fields do.

Orv W6BI
KI5HZZ's picture
Thanks, I will get to work on the information in your reply
yes, I should have included more of my setup information
I am running on all my devices
I guess for now we will still need to force the update under the Advanced Configuration tab using the Dangerous Upgrade switch
MikroTik RouterBOARD 952Ui-5ac2nD (hAP ac lite)
(ipq40xx/mikrotik) mikrotik (hap-ac3)
(two of these) MikroTik RouterBOARD LDF 5nD

no neighbors in grid square EM52af
but that is okay, 200 years from now (when AREDNmesh is everywhere) I will be called a pioneering legend

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