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How to select Location settings to to upload data to AREDN Servers

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AC7II's picture
How to select Location settings to to upload data to AREDN Servers
When I go to the Basic Setup the only thing I can det and apply Location Setting but the rest of the buttons are grayed out. I am guessing that is why I don't show up on the maps.
K6CCC's picture
They are a light gray, but
They are a light gray, but they are not grayed out.  I just confirmed that on a Rocket M5.  Clicked the button that says "Upload data to AREDN server".  About 30 seconds later, got 
  • AREDN online map updated

below the row of buttons for Save, Reset, Default, & Reboot
Upload Data to AREDN Servers

There has been a recent discussion of the maps in another forum.  First, you appear to be using the Old UI, because "Upload data..." does not exist in new UI. It is my understanding that the buttons in the Location section of the Basic Setup page will only be active if your node has Internet access.  You might check that.

It takes about 20 seconds for the response to return after clicking "Upload data...."

"Upload data to AREDN Servers" only puts points on the Legacy map.  When a node's name has format CALLSIGN-something (see basic radio setup instructions in AREDN docs for Old UI and New UI), and it is linked to a Supernode (via paths of rf and/or tunnels), it will be found by the servers for the New World Map and will be posted there along with its list of neighbor nodes. 

We went through this with a new node and tunnel on our local mesh a day or so ago.

--Tim K5RA

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