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TP-link CPE710 - Does anyone have one that is working?

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TP-link CPE710 - Does anyone have one that is working?
Is there anyone that has a TP-Link CPE710 running AREDN firmware that works reliably?  If so I'd like to know what version firmware you are using, and how the node is installed.  The firmware is listed as "stable" for this device.  Our organization bought a bunch of these over a year ago and have yet to deploy them because they do not work reliably.  They are CPE710 version 1.  I have a couple of bug reports on Github but so far ,no resolution to the problems.  I'm just curious if anyone else has had luck with this device.
TP-LINK CPE710 does work
I have a CPE710 that I loaded the AREDN latest software but doesn't work at all. It doesn't connect to any sites and I can't see it on any nodes.
w6bi's picture
It's a known issue, and is on the dev's to-do list.

Orv W6BI

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