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Tunnel Server with Firewall

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Tunnel Server with Firewall

I have setup a Wireguard Tunnel Server, and my peers have validated the settings on my hAP AC Lite.

I am running a Firewall behind a residential router, so it's topology is as follows:


So ,the AREDN aspect is as follows:

Has anyone successfully setup a Tunnel Server with a FW and residential router like the above example, and if so, what settings/rules did you implement for its success? I am concerned that if there is double NATting taking place, this may be the issue.

K6CCC's picture
Step one.  The router needs
Step one.  The router needs to have the correct port for the tunnel (most likely 5525 unless you changed it or have more than one tunnel) for UDP traffic forwarded to the IP of your hAP.  As to what your firewall is doing, you have given no details so we can not answer.
Also, you don't normally need to use a VLAN for tunnel traffic into the hAP as that is normally untagged on AREDN nodes that have a dedicated port for the WAN connection.  If you haven't changed stuff, port 1 on the hAP is the WAN port and operates untagged.

nc8q's picture
Tunnel with VLAN?
Hi, Mark:
+1 with Jim K6CCC.
What is the function of your 'VLAN' ?

I have one remaining legacy tunnel on my hAP-ac-lite.
(All others have been moved to wireguard tunnels.)
My firewall-router forwards inbound packets with port 5525 to (my hAP-ac-lite).
My hAP-ac-lite gets a reserved IP address ( from my firewall-router ( via DHCP.

Does your tunnel server configuration page look similar to the attached image?

73, Chuck

Image Attachments: 
Thanks for the input. Will
Thanks for the input. Will have to do some more troubleshooting on my end, and let you all know the outcome.

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