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Tunnel Requests

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KN4TLV's picture
Tunnel Requests
I'm starting this topic for myself but I realized it might be beneficial for anyone getting into AREDN in CT.

I've been dipping my toes into AREDN and I have a few devices and was curious if anyone would be willing to give me a tunnel to the network so I can continue experimenting?
KD1HA's picture
Your call shows MA so where
Your call shows MA so where in CT are you?
KN4TLV's picture
Yep I just moved, waiting for the FCC to update my address .
Stamford is the area I'm in now.
nc8q's picture
anyone getting into AREDN in CT.
I suggest to contact Matt KA1VSC.
73, Chuck
KD1HA's picture
Okay, not near RI then...CT
Okay, not near RI then...CT doesn't have much activity yet. 
Close to RI
Denis, I'm close to RI (Danielson, CT) and am interested in a tunnel connection if I meet the criteria. I'm in a hole so not sure I'd have much luck with an RF link but would like to put on on the air anyway when funds allow. Would likely connect a Mikrotik hAP Lite for now. 73, Vinny KB1JDX

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