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GL.iNET GL-AR300M16-Ext. / new generation / how to flash?

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GL.iNET GL-AR300M16-Ext. / new generation / how to flash?
As this is my first post here I'd like to welcome everyone.
I bought a pretty new GL.iNET GL-AR300M16-Ext and found out that this is a new version with
128 MB Memory (see label).
It was not possible to flash the available firmware that works perfect on the older model due to a checksum error (see error message).
Does anyone have an information how to flash the new generation.
Many Thanks.
73 Ottmar, DC4RB
File Attachment: 
w6bi's picture
Open an issue
Ottmar, open an issue about this in the AREDN Github instance.  That'll put it in front of the devs.  They don't read these forums consistently.
Orv W6BI
Thanks for the Tip. 
Thanks for the Tip. 
I opened an issue on Github.
73 Ottmar DC4RB

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