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DHCP on DtD antennas - question

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DHCP on DtD antennas - question
Hi guys

A missing part of my AREDN puzzle, couldn't find an answer in the docs:

I have three antennas connected DtD using a POE switch. I plug in my notebook to a non-POE port of that switch and it gets an IP address assigned by DHCP.
  • Are there rules on which antenna will act as DHCP server when they are DtD connected? do the other two antennas automatically 'mute' their DHCP function?
  • Or do I have do deactivate DHCP on two of the three antennas?
nc8q's picture
DHCP with DtD connected AREDN devices
Hi, Kurt:

With your build, your notebook would likely get a random IP address from the DHCP pool
from a random choice of your three AREDN routers.
To ensure that you laptop gets an IP address from one specific router, you should
disable DHCP on the other DtD connected nodes.

I hope this helps, Chuck
As mentioned in the docs
As mentioned in the online documentation:

There should be only one DHCP server for each IP address scope or range, so you may need to disable your node’s DHCP server if there is already another device providing DHCP services on your node’s local area network.

Also mentioned briefly here:

Be aware that if several nodes are connected through a network switch (as shown in the diagrams) and then you connect your laptop to an open port on that switch, your laptop may receive a DHCP IP address from any of the nodes’ DHCP servers. This may not be an issue for a laptop doing periodic maintenance activities at the site. However, if you deploy another device which must receive a consistent DHCP IP address, then it is best practice to disable the DHCP server on all but one of the nodes which will be the primary DHCP server for any local devices connected to that network switch.

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