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Node Vendor OS vs AREDN Firmware

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Node Vendor OS vs AREDN Firmware
Several of us are experimenting with WireGuard tunnels.  We started with Mikrotik hAP ac lites, 
but recently have expanded to use UBNT XW-class and other vendors’ radios that have enough memory 
to support tunneling.  We disable the AREDN RF, and configure the radio to connect to a local 
WiFi LAN, then configure it as a WG Tunnel Client or Server.   We hope that existing hardware 
can be upgraded with latest AREDN firmware and used on a tunnel mesh.  
To what extent does the AREDN firmware replace the basic vendor operating system 
(e.g., RouterOS or airOS)?  Or is AREDN a wrapper that uses the transceiver, routing, 
and other functions of the vendor OS while providing GUIs and other apps?  Is it possible 
to access the functions of the vendor OS from the AREDN interface?
Is there an easy way to backup and restore the AREDN radio configuration to simplify 
the restoration after an incident?
--Tim K5RA
w6bi's picture
Tim, probably too much info for a forum post.  The AREDN firmware is based on OpenWrt.   AREDN takes a few modules from OpenWrt, and replaces the rest with custom code.   If you want to run a Wireguard tunnel across a network using stock WiFi gear, you can, but honestly I'm unsure of the configuration.  I'm pretty sure it will require a Mikrotik ac2 or ac3 at each end, because their internal network hardware supports more flexible internal configurations, which you'll probably need to configure them to pass a WG tunnel on a port other than Port 1 (the default Internet configuration).

Not super helpful I'm afraid but it's something I've never tried.   Maybe others can chime in.

Orv W6BI
AREDN completely replaces/overwrites vendor firmware
Like Orv said, the AREDN firmware completely replaces and overwrites any vendor OS.  The advantage of using AREDN firmware for your scenario would be that the nodes will automatically use the IP address space being used across the entire worldwide mesh.  And if you want to turn on the RF for some reason (like local connections to non-tunnel nodes as needed), you can do that if you are using AREDN firmware.

The other approach would be to have native vendor OS devices providing the long haul tunnel (or RF) connections.  In that case you would treat those links as "cross-links" so that AREDN devices on either end can seamlessly pass AREDN data across a non-AREDN intermediate link. Cross-links are described here.
Thanks for the Inputs

I appreciate the insights on AREDN firmware overwriting most of vendor OS. 

We have a WG tunnel between an AREDN hAP ac lite (server) and AREDN NSM5 XW (client) that gets Ethernet
via local 5.8G WiFi. 
We think we can also do it with other AREDN nodes that have sufficient RAM. 

-Tim K5RA

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