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GL.iNet AR300M16-ext Firmware

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N1MIE's picture
GL.iNet AR300M16-ext Firmware
So on to my next problem. This time the directions seem very simple and clear but I'm getting a failure. I purchased a GL.iNet AR300M16-ext so I could experiment with AREDN wirlessly within my own little realm here while I wait to establish links to the wider network. The box arrived today and after dinner I gave a try to install the firmware but I'm having issues.

I downloaded the latest firmware version ( labeled GL.iNet GL-AR300M16 which is the closest to what I have. I'm assuming it's the correct firmware because the only difference between that and the -ext model I purchased is the external antennas. I connected to the router and navigated to the upgrade page per the directions (having set it up earlier, again per the directions). I upload the file and then it does a test on it and I get a verification result "failed" and it goes no further. I've re-downloaded the file multiple times with the same result. Any further guidance? Should I try an older version of the firmware? If I do will I be able to upgrade from within the mesh system?

EDIT: the box says that it's a model GL-AR300M16-ext but the software overview says it's a model GL-AR300M (NOR). I'm not sure if there is a difference. Other stuff I've seen online here suggest only the M16 and M16-ext are compatible. Did they somehow ship me the wrong model?

EDIT #2: the bottom of the router says GL-AR300M16, so I'll go with that. From googling the two model numbers I've come up with that my model (M16) does not have NAND memory, only NOR memory. So I need the AR300M16 firmware on this site. But that firmware doesn't work. It returns a fail on the firmware check the software does. Looking at the log I see a "gl-ar300m-nor not supported by this image" in the log. So I'm at an impasse.

nc8q's picture
uncheck the Keep Settings checkbox AND boot_dev switch
Attention Be sure to uncheck the Keep Settings checkbox, since GL.iNet settings are incompatible with AREDN® firmware. Also, the AR300M16 devices may have a boot_dev switch, so be sure to read the GL.iNet boot documentation to select the correct boot mode.

Hi, Chip:

Did you remember to uncheck the 'keep settings'?
Is the mode switch in the correct (right, I think) position?

73, Chuck
N1MIE's picture
I should've anticipated that
I should've anticipated that question. So on my version of the software, it doesn't show that checkbox until the firmware is accepted. So when I tried the NAND firmwares, yes, I unchecked the box. On the m16 firmware it never gives me that option.

Here are the relevant lines from the log...

Tue Jul  9 12:38:14 2024 upgrade: Device glinet,gl-ar300m-nor not supported by this image
Tue Jul  9 12:38:14 2024 upgrade: Supported devices: glinet,gl-ar300m16 gl-ar300m

That suggests to me that the gl-ar300m-nor should be an option identified in the firmware as a supported device. Apparently I'm stuck in a corner right now. Unless someone sees something I'm missing.


nc8q's picture
gl-ar300m-nor not supported by this image
Hi, Chip:

Exactly which image are you trying?

73, Chuck
N1MIE's picture
Yes. I also tried multiple
Yes. I also tried multiple earlier versions of the firmware and even the nightly build. Same error in the log in every case.
nc8q's picture
Should I try an older version of the firmware?
Hi, Chip:

Can you try an older version of the Gl-inet operating system?

It has been many months since I loaded AREDN on my AR300M16-ext.
I also have an AR150, AR150USB, and two AR750 devices.
I like them very much.
Does the GL OS support loading an image from /tmp via ssh using something like
sysupgrade /tmp/<file>?
If yes, try
sysupgrade -F /tmp/<file>

73, Chuck

N1MIE's picture
It took me a minute to shake
It took me a minute to shake off the cobwebs and scp the firmware file over. I ran the command with the -F switch. It spit out a few lines of text and seemed to maybe working and then it disconnected. All a good sign I presume. Now I can't get into it. When I disconnect and reconnect the ethernet cable I don't seem to get a connection, no IP seems to be assigned. When I ping I get "network is unreachable". When I do an ifconfig I don't see an ip4 address. There does appear to maybe be an ip6 address but I have no idea how to work with that. I can see there is a wifi network with the name "GL-AR300M-89c". When I try to connect it wants a password but I have no idea what it might be. I'm looking through the documentation but don't see a reference to a default wifi password.
Several dumb things to note,
Several dumb things to note, because I don't see them explicitly above.

I've got one of the M16-EXT and like it a lot.  It threw me a curve that there is only a sysupgrade file, but you just follow the instructions and it works.  I don't know if you have done enough to it to brick it ... beyond my pay grade.

Then there are two RJ45 jacks, one is WAN and the other is LAN.  You only use the one marked LAN unless you already have this flashed and are using it for a wired tunnel over your internet.

Good luck ... Ed
N1MIE's picture
The 300m16 only has the
The 300m16 only has the sysupgrade file. I've tried it and several versions back plus the nightly build. All gave the same error.

I am using the LAN jack. I have not plugged into the WAN jack at all yet. The only plugging/unplugging I've done is on the computer (Raspberry Pi) end of things.

On the Pi if I turn off Wifi and disconnect/reconnect the ethernet cable, the up/down arrow in the menubar flashes and the tool tip says it's asking for an IP address. It blinks like that for a long time. Eventually it gives up and says no-go. I tried giving it a static address but that didn't work either. The Pi takes the address but can't find, nor can it find (the normal default IP for the 300m16). Of course I only tried that with the address set to (per the debrick procedure).

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