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EOL for ar71xx ?

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EOL for ar71xx ?
Is the final release for ar71xx devices ( )?  I have a number of Ubiquiti RM5-GPS units that run great on, but do not have the ability to be upgraded to the ath79 releases.  I tried many different sysupgrades and factory firmware images of the ath79 releases but no joy.  It's not imperative that they be upgraded, I just finally got a chance to do it.  
w6bi's picture
Robert, ar71 and ath79 are not hardware designations of device drivers (software).  ar71 is the legacy Linux wireless driver set and ath79 is the current generation.  If you update your device to the latest software you'll find it's now using an ath79 device driver.

And the Mikrotik ac2 and ac3 use another driver type - ipq40xx

And it's not clear to me if your RM5-GPS is still supported.   I've asked.

Orv W6BI
nc8q's picture
Rocket M5 (XM/XW?) upgrade: no joy.
Which model of Rocket M5 do you have; XM or XW.
Exactly which sysupgrade.bin(s) did you try.
Please further define 'no joy'.
73, Chuck

My Rocket M5-GPS devices in question are XM.
Most sysupgrade.bins named aredn-3.2x.x.0-ath79-generic-ubnt_rocket-m-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin through were tried.
All gave a similar result as recorded in this series of screenshots:
Attached is the support data file for this particular flashing attempt session.
The "no joy" part is that the units never go through the second boot enabling the mesh networking, so they are forever stuck having a 192.168.1.x address.  Forced reboots do nothing to get past this issue.
K6CCC's picture
I have five ancient XM type
I have five ancient XM type Rockets (two on 5 GHz and three on 3 GHz).  All have been loaded with essentially every nightly build and production version for the past five years.  They all have the latest nightly loaded:

Since your screen captures don't show the errors you get, what errors are you seeing?
All of those screenshots indicate the "error";
the install doesn't get any further than what's shown.  As for the Nightly Build, nets me this error during TFTP64 upload:
Finally got one RM5-GPS to take an ath79 firmware.
The only sysupgrade or factory.bin I hadn't tried, was the factory.bin with the exact same version as the final ar71 version number,
It successfully was able to complete the second reboot, so it seems subsequent factory.bin versions either are not picking up the signal to reboot a second time to wake up as an AREDN node, or the final ar71xx does something strange on these RM5-GPS units to keep something in memory to block any new factory.bin from taking hold.  Now on to replicate the steps that were successful for me:
  1. tftd with the original AirOS version (XM.v6.3.12.33412.240516.1856.bin) onto the RM5-GPS unit
  2. tftp the final ar71 released (aredn-
  3. tftp the same version ath79 (aredn-
  4. sysupgrade to latest release (for me right now, aredn-
Hope this helps somebody else who has some older Ubiquitis on the ar71 branch of AREDN that they haven't touched in a few years.  So to answer my original question, yes, the ar71xx branch has reached end-of-life after

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