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Problem with static WAN IP

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HB9HHH's picture
Problem with static WAN IP
Hello !
I'm trying to set a static address to my MikroTik hAP ac3 (the DHCP reservation don't always works, like if there were 2 different MAC address):
The WAN Wifi Client seems not to be ok (- instead +)
And the node status shows no IP / Gateway (please see attached doc)

Any suggestion ?

73, Yves, HB9HHH

File Attachment: 
HB9HHH's picture
The problem with DHCP is that
The problem with DHCP is that sometimes the MAC address detected by my home Internet router is 48:A9:8A:81:38:24 and sometimes 48-A9-8A-81-38-1E.

A DHCP reservation is done for the MAC 48-A9-8A-81-38-1E ( but when the MAC is 48:A9:8A:81:38:24, the hAP get another IP and the NAT rules for VPN server don't work.
K6CCC's picture
Are you trying to connect to
Are you trying to connect to the WAN via the WiFi or a wired connection (normally port 1)?
I may be wrong, but I THINK that the WAN setting applies to the wired interface, but it appears that you are trying (or also) using the WiFi as a WAN client.  That might explain why you are showing two different MACs (the WiFi and wired interfaces will have differnt MACs).
For what it's worth, here at work, all three nodes (two Rockets, and one hAP lite) are all using static for the wired WAN interface and it is working fine.  At home, both the hAP lite and hAPac3 that have a wired WAN interface are DHCP and have DHCP reservations in my router so they always get the same addresses.
HB9HHH's picture
Hi K6CCC (nice call too)
Hi K6CCC (nice call too)
There is no cable on port 1 of the Mikrotik hAP ac3, only a wifi connection to my Internet router. You are probably right, the WAN settings applies perhaps only to the wired connection.

And even without a cable on port 1, also only wifi, there are 2 different MAC detected by my Internet router. I suspect a bug in the Internet router (Fritzbox) since ther was in the past an hAP ac light with the same name HB9HHH-HAP-1, perhaps there is a memory of the MAC associated with a name.

I've changed the name of the registration in the Internet router and then deleted it and now it seems it's work.
[Edit 2024-06-19]: that fails again :-(

Thank you for the reply, wishing you good DX !


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