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Is meshchat_2.12.0_all.ipk supposed to work?

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Is meshchat_2.12.0_all.ipk supposed to work?
Even though the meshchat_2.12.0_all.ipk file is fairly recent, when I installed it on a CPE-510 running 3.22.12, if would not poll. The Chat pae hangs at "Loading messages", no Channels show up, etc.

I seem to remember that last time time I tried this, the same thing happened, and only v1 was compatible with the AREDN software.

I also seem to remember that, like last time, the default service name was set to something nonstandard by default. This time, the install set it to "MeshChat-4017", so I reset it to "MeshChat". Still nothing.

Is meshchat_2.12.0_all.ipk still broken? Not sure how to debug since strace and tcpdump aren't available on the node.....

Some progress on getting 2.12 to work.
Do I need to install the meshchat api package for meshchat to work now?

I see messages in my message.MeshChat file now but the web api doesn't display any of them, just hangs at "Loading messages"
nc8q's picture
meshchat_2.12.0_all.ipk on a CPE-510 running 3.22.12
meshchat_2.12.0_all.ipk file is fairly recent, when I installed it on a CPE-510 running 3.22.12
1. At a minimum, upgrade your AREDN node to current stable or current Nightly Build.
2. You need both meshchat_?.ipk and meshchat-api_?.ipk on a node install of meshchat.
If meshchat is running on a Raspberry Pi, you still need meshchat-api on the RPi's node,
It is preferable to run meshchat on a Raspberry Pi instead of on a node.
73, Chuck
Never got Meshchat 2.12 to work
Thanks. Never got it 2.12 to work on my CPE-510 running 3.24. It would collect messages in the messages file but the browser could not display them.

Maybe I should port Meshchat to Fedora. Lua is installed already on the Fedora laptops I connect to AREDN since it's a requirement for libreoffice and firefox. Meshchat does not have complex dependencies either. 

Although I am really promoting Winlink over AREDN when I can. It's a great fit. You can actually send real attachments like PDF files (subject to the limitations that any HF and VHF gateways are limited in that respect.)
nc8q's picture
send real attachments like PDF

I run a packet BBS on AREDN and on 40/20 meters using 300 baud FX/AX.25 and IL2P.
I limit messages to 9999 bytes.
I would be uncomfortable if someone used my HF packet node to relay a file larger than 9999 bytes.
If over my AREDN port, this would be no problem. ;-)

73, Chuck


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