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AREDN on Hamvoip

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W2LPC's picture
AREDN on Hamvoip
Hello all. Is it possible to connect AREDN to Hamvoip? I have two Hamvoip nodes I would like to connect. One is a UHF repeater and the other is a simplex node. On the repeater, I have DVSwitch Server connecting my TGIF talkgroup and I have Echolink, Hamshack hotline and Broadcastify connected. The simplex has nothing connected to it. If anyone can give me some advice or instructions for this, I would be grateful. Thank you very much. 73' de W2LPC.

W2LPC repeater located in South Plainfield, NJ. 07080
445.2750 (-) PL Tone 141.3 (Motorola CMD750's RX/TX 45watts)

Allstar Node Repeater #51284 (Hamvoip)
Allstar Node Simplex #53754 (Hamvoip)

Echolink -R Node #584598 (Permanent connection to repeater)

Hamshack Hotline #6100000044 or 94029 RF (VOIP system on Cisco SPA525G Linked to repeater and cellphone)

DMR ID #3179401 TGIF TG #91997 (Computer Geeks of America)
DMR TG 91997 Permanent connection to the repeater via DVSwitch Server

D-Star on REF001 C or REF030 C

Streaming on Broadcastify,53754,1999,1997
w6bi's picture
I see that HamVOIP is an asterisk PBX.   Since all you need is an Ethernet link between your PBXes, that's something AREDN can do easily.  I have a couple of PBXes trunked together via AREDN.  Works fine.

Being on 5.8 GHz, the AREDN nodes do require line of sight between them, or at least a network of nodes linking the two PBX sites together.

Hope this helps.


Orv W6BI
W2LPC's picture
AREDN on Hamvoip
Well, here's my setup...The Hamvoip Server is running on a Raspberry Pi. It's build from the core of Asterisk PBX. Most of the PBX function is still there but, I am unfamiliar with how to configure it properly. The repeater is two Motorola mobile radio's linked with a URIxb. That, connects to the Raspberry Pi to give you full duplex for repeater operation. I have multiple links connected to the repeater as well. I just need some hand holding to get AREDN configured on my system so, I need to talk with someone who knows Hamvoip (I do pretty good with it) and also knows AREDN. Thanks for replying! 73' de W2LPC, Lou.
nc8q's picture
I need some hand holding to get AREDN configured on my system
Hi, Lou:
Tell us about your '(AREDN) system'.
Tell us about what connection (Internet Protocol) is required for 'HAMvoip'.
AREDN networking expects at least 2 'end points/nodes', you have described none.
If you are seeking a RF connection between sites, then knowing the
latitude, longitude, and antenna elevation at each AREDN node site would be helpful.
73, Chuck
W2LPC's picture
AREDN on Hamvoip
Hamvoip uses TCP/IP for internet linking through a verification server. At the moment, I have NO AREDN connection. I am looking for someone to help me create a connection to AREDN with my Hamvoip system. My system accepts connections via TCP/IP and RF. This is the link for Hamvoip...
nc8q's picture
Hamvoip uses TCP/IP for internet linking through a ... server
Someone that understands 'HAMvoip' and/or 'AllStar', please respond to W2LPC's query.
i.e. Someone else. :-|

"Hamvoip uses TCP/IP for internet linking through a verification server."


AREDN is not an internet/WWW resource.
AREDN allows the creation of an intranet network.
Each AREDN intranet is like a home LAN without an implied internet connection.
You can connect AREDN sites to other AREDN sites via an ethernet device-to-device connection (DtD),
or over-the-air (RF) to another AREDN device, or via an internet tunnel (TUN).

It seems to me that,
if you want to use HAMvoip,
you will need a stand-alone 'verification server' internal to your AREDN intranet.
I have visited twice and
I still have no clue about what 'HAMvoip' nor 'AllStar' does.
I know a little asterisk.
I operate an asterisk PBX and directly trunk with 14 other PBXs and 3 VoIP services.

73, Chuck

W2LPC's picture
AREDN on Hamvoip
HamVoIP is a software distribution designed for Raspberry Pi devices that runs Asterisk Allstar, a digital voice repeater system for amateur radio enthusiasts. Here are some key points about HamVoIP:

    Supported Hardware: The latest firmware image supports various Raspberry Pi models, including Zero2W, 2B, 3B, 3B+, 3A+, CM3, CM4, Pi400, and 4B (rev 1.0 through 1.5) 1.

    Raspberry Pi 4B Compatibility: While the Raspberry Pi 4B (RPi4B) works well for single USB sound fob nodes, there is an issue when using multiple USB sound fobs. This problem appears to be a Linux Kernel bug and is not related to the HamVoIP code. For now, it’s recommended to use the RPi3B+ if you need multiple USB fobs on a single system 1.

    Developer: HamVoIP is developed by David McGough (K4FXC), with contributions from Doug (WA3DSP) 1.

    Stability and Reliability: HamVoIP has seen significant improvements in software reliability, making it a reliable choice for AllStarLink systems 1.

    Cloud-Hosted Solutions: As users migrate to cloud-hosted solutions, the HamVoIP Pi Farm, using RPi4B hardware, has been introduced 1.,53754,1999,1997
W2LPC's picture
AREDN on Hamvoip
My repeater system is connected to Echolink, Hamshack Hotline (voip), DMR and streaming on Broadcastify. ALL connections to and from the repeater are internet based except for RF which it has as well. I run UHF on the RF side (445.275). Each repeater on the ALLSTAR network can connect to any other repeater no matter the location. So, I can and do connect to others all over the world, all with Hamvoip on the server. Each NODE has it's own number. Mine for example are 51284 for the repeater and 53754 for my simplex node. You simply (dial) the node you wish to connect with and you then have a link from one repeater to another in a different location. There are also REFLECTORS which can host hundreds of simultaneous connections (East Coast Reflector 27339)

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