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meshchat does not write to messages.<service name> help with troubleshooting

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meshchat does not write to messages.<service name> help with troubleshooting
Hi and thank you all for developing this software.
I installed the meshchat service on my MikroTik routerboard hAP ac lite after flashing with AREDN V r23809-234f1a2efa. I used the meshchat-api_2.12.0_all.ipk from the Hickey meshchat repo on github.
I can ssh into the node and the directory listing shows that the file messages.MeshChat-KI7PTT has write permissions (-rw-rw-rw) and is owned by root but there is no change in the file size (stays 0) when I send a message on the ki7ptt-node1.local.mesh:8080/meshchat page. I can see that the message was 'sent' from the green alert ('message sent') and the messages that I send do accumulate in the Messages field on the bottom but when I log in from another device, those messages are not visible. I am able to see the mesh chat users correctly displayed. Both systems have a page displaying the same zone: MeshChat-KI7PTT and same node: KI7PTT-Node1. When I refresh the web page from either device the message that I entered from that device is no longer displayed and the 'No messages found' is displayed instead but the mesh chat users are correctly displayed.

How can I begin to troubleshoot this since it is my understanding that this node operating alone (not connected to any network) should retain messages.

Thank you and
73s, Nick KI7PTT
Hi Nick!
Hi Nick!

I've been trying to find your node and don't see it anywhere on mesh, and no history of it being on mesh using the various Mesh Info tools.  I'm aware you're waiting for a new antenna to try to connect your home location.  I'd suggest waiting until you are actually on the mesh network so we can see what you're doing.

Some of your post isn't clear to me

I am able to see the mesh chat users correctly displayed. Both systems have a page displaying the same zone: MeshChat-KI7PTT and same node: KI7PTT-Node1. When I refresh the web page from either device ...

What users?  You from two different user names?
Same node?  If there is only one instance of MeshChat installed on one node that is not a meshchat ... you need more than one node for any sync to happen.  If you are determined to play with this before getting your rf settled you could use a tunnel (if you have one) and advertise the service on mesh, then ask someone else to put a temp installation on another device at their location.  Or you could put MeshChat on a hAP and also on another device.  I don't know if you can have two meshchats on one station (no matter how many nodes) as I think the OLSR will not like advertising the same service twice.  You could do an rf link rather than dtd to see if you can link your two devices (each with it's own DHCP and own advertised service list).

Thanks for the feedback Ed. I
Thanks for the feedback Ed. I am planning on putting the CPE 510 up again on a more permanent mount when I can get a ladder up there and will hold off on buying a second antenna until I've had a chance to get more familiar with this. Until then, I just installed the MeshChat service on my MikroTik hAP ac lite routerboard. I am using the wifi to connect a couple of computers to it directly and just accessing the MeshChat from browsers running on those computers. I would have thought that the service would save messages in this configuration and when it was connected to the mesh via RF or tunnel, it would look for other instances with this service name running on other nodes to sync saved messages. But in my case, a message is never saved in the first place (even with only one computer connected via wifi). I hope that clears up any questions about the current configuration.
If you want the full version
If you want the full version of MeshChat to run on your hAP ac lite node, then you need to install the full version of the program rather than just the api.  The api has no message database.  The full version of the program is here.  
problem identified
Good catch. Thank you!

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