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How can I connect in Brazil?

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How can I connect in Brazil?
I'm from Brazil and I would like to make my station too, but here haven´t any tunnel I think...
nc8q's picture
Have no tunnel
Do you have AREDN firmware on a
- RB952Ui-5ac2nD or
- RBD52G-5HacD2HnD or
- RBD53iG-5HacD2HnD
or any AREDN node and an 802.1Q capable switch?
If yes, what is your node's nodename?

73, Chuck

No, I don't have node's yet,
No, I don't have node's yet, but I wanted to know if it will make any difference if I create my station since I don't have any other node nearby to make the wireless connection. In my case I would need to connect the network using the internet...

Some of us have to rely on
Some of us have to rely on the internet too because there isn't a vast network built up around us either.
Ok thanks.
Ok thanks.
nc8q's picture
No, I don't have node's yet
You can start with a 'x86' installation
or a Mikrotik RB952Ui-5ac2nD (good)
or a Mikrotik RBD52G-5HacD2HnD (better).
Then, establish a tunnel to an existing AREDN network.
Then, demonstrate the capabilities of AREDN networking to your local Amateur Radio clubs.
73, Chuck
I understand, I'm going to
I understand, I'm going to try to build my station too, and I'm going to try to bring Brazilians to our network!... Can I use a Ubiquit for now to start?
The list of devices that can
The list of devices that can run AREDN firmware is here

For a tunnel over the internet you need a device that is able to also be a managed switch.  The easiest one to use and most commonly used is the first in the list from Mikrotik the hAP ac lite.  Another inexpensive device that will work is the first in the list from GL.iNET ...

The devices that you would think of as "antennas" from Ubiquity have the ability to manage a tunnel connection but usually do not have enough ethernet ports to be able to cable both to your LAN and to the WAN (internet).  So if you are starting with just a tunnel get one of the indoor devices that looks and behaves more like a switch rather than buy something meant to be deployed outdoors to provide mesh rf.

73  Ed
Good, thank you for help. 73!
Good, thank you for help.

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