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World Map

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World Map

In AREDN's Worldmap, some devices appear to be connected from America to Europe, for instance, using 3.4 GHz. How are these devices connected to each other? Is there anyone who could provide more information about this map?"

nc8q's picture
America to Europe, for instance, using 3.4 GHz
Please post node names or URLs.
73, Chuck

for example : HB9FTS-SO
for example : HB9FTS-SO-SUPERNODE.

This appears to be a connection from Europe to USA and is marked in blue.
Mesh Maps don't always
Mesh Maps don't always reflect true conditions.  If someone has a hAP ac lite on the mesh via tunnel only, but leaves the mesh rf on (even though there is no one to connect to) then the mesh map will show they are on the frequency even though it's useless beyond the range of a wifi router.  This has caused some confusion here, I recommend folks turn off any mesh radio that has no chance of actually connecting (and why make noise on any frequency anyway?)

Mesh Maps don't reflect true rf conditions
I have a hAP Lite device that is connected to two other nodes by rf (5.8MHz).  Right now, it is connected to the Internet via its WAN port.  It shows on the worldmap as "no rf" even though it connects to two nodes by rf as its Mesh Status screen shows.  Mesh Status does not show it connected to any other node.  I know it is connected to the internet because I am using its WiFi LAN Access Port to write this comment. It seems to me that if it connects to another node by rf, even though it may also be connected by DtD or tunnel, it should show as connected by rf.  The particular node I am referring to is  AA6BD-HAP-707-CHA-01.

How do I get this refreshed?  And how can I keep it reflecting the current mesh status?
w6bi's picture
Link status
If the AREDN software finds two nodes linked by both DtD AND RF, it will disable the RF link to avoid routing loops.
Orv W6BI
Sorry, I didn't mean that the
Sorry, I didn't mean that the node was linked to another node by both DtD and RF.  I know that the software detects and chooses only DtD.  In this case, my node is currently linked to two other nodes by 5 GHz rf, so shouldn't its Band be listed as 5 GHz on the worldmap?  How do I get this Band properly shown?
Image Attachments: 
w6bi's picture
World Map Info
Bill, it looks like it's OK.  Here's what the world map shows:

Orv W6BI

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